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Last modified: 20 April 2023

Administration > <build configuration> > Dependencies

uiDependencyBySourcesSnapshot Dependencies

Setting the dependency by other build's sources you can ensure that a build will start only after the one it depends from is run and finished. TeamCity also checks if the builds use sources corresponding to the same moment of time. The dependency mechanism is the following:

  1. When a build is triggered (either manually or by one of the available triggers), the whole set of builds linked with the "sources dependencies" is retrieved, and all the builds are put into the build queue.

  2. When the first build within the set is ready to start, all the VCS roots of builds in the set are checked for changes, and discovered VCS revisions are set to the builds.

  3. The builds are started.

Add / Edit Snapshot Dependency

Add new snapshot dependency dialog

uiDependencyByArtifactArtifact Dependencies

If the build configuration contains artifact dependencies, the following information is presented for each dependency:

Add / Edit Artifact Dependency

Add new artifact dependency dialog