Last modified: 20 April 2023Administration > <build configuration> > Dependencies
uiDependencyBySourcesSnapshot Dependencies
Setting the dependency by other build's sources you can ensure that a build will start only after the one it depends from is run and finished. TeamCity also checks if the builds use sources corresponding to the same moment of time. The dependency mechanism is the following:
When a build is triggered (either manually or by one of the available triggers), the whole set of builds linked with the "sources dependencies" is retrieved, and all the builds are put into the build queue.
When the first build within the set is ready to start, all the VCS roots of builds in the set are checked for changes, and discovered VCS revisions are set to the builds.
The builds are started.
Each build can only start if all the builds it depends on are finished.
Add / Edit Snapshot Dependency

Option | Description |
Depend on | Specify the build configuration that the current build configuration should depend on. |
Options | This section allows to customize the following options of the dependency. |
Do not run new build if there is a suitable one | If at the moment a build is started to run, a build of the configuration the current one depends on is already running with the same sources, TeamCity will take this already running build, instead of starting another one with the very same sources. |
Only use successful builds from suitable ones | TeamCity will take already running build only if it is not failing or failed. |
Run this build if dependency has failed | If enabled and dependency fails, the build of this build configuration will still be run. |
uiDependencyByArtifactArtifact Dependencies
If the build configuration contains artifact dependencies, the following information is presented for each dependency:
Option | Description |
Artifacts source | The dependency in the following format: |
Artifacts path | see description of the field below in the Add / Edit Artifact Dependency section |
Destination path | see description of the field below in the Add / Edit Artifact Dependency section |
Edit | Click this link to addEditDependency. |
Delete | Click this link to remove the selected dependency. |
Check dependencies | Click Check dependency button to verify newly added dependency. You need to provide valid user credentials to download artifacts from the server and perform the dependencies verification, since access to the artifacts requires authorization. |
Save | Apply all changes. |
Add / Edit Artifact Dependency

Option | Description |
Add new dependency | Click this link to specify the artifact dependency. |
Depend on | Specify the build configuration that the current build configuration should depend on. |
Get artifacts from | Specify the type of build, from which the artifacts should be taken. The following options are available:
Build number | Use this field to specify the exact Build Numbering of the artifact. This field is enabled, if the Build number option is selected in the Get artifacts from field. |
Specifies the files to be downloaded form the "source" build. The path should be relative to the artifacts directory of the "source" build. The path can either identify a specific file, or use wildcards to match multiple files. Wildcards are supported. Downloaded artifacts will have the same directory structure as the source artifacts. For example: use to download all files from a/b directory of the source build. If there is a file in the source build artifacts, it will be downloaded into the file: The files matched inside the archive will be placed in the directory corresponding to the first directory with a wildcard in the name. For example:
| |
More artifacts | Click this link to open an additional text field, where you can specify the path to additional artifacts. |
Destination path | Specify the destination path on the agent where downloaded artifacts should be placed. If the path is relative, it will be resolved against the Build Checkout Directory. If needed, the destination path can be cleaned before downloading artifacts. |
Clean directory before downloading artifacts | Check this option to delete the content of the destination directory before copying artifacts. |
Ok | Preserve changes and close the page. |
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