Helpdesk Reporters

Last modified: 06 February 2025

In the context of a helpdesk project, a "reporter" refers to the individual who submits or raises a request or issue to the helpdesk system. This could be an end user, a customer, or someone within the organization seeking assistance or reporting a problem. The reporter provides details about the issue or request, which the helpdesk team then addresses.

One of the major difference between a helpdesk project and a standard project for issue tracking is that helpdesk projects support an unlimited number of free licenses for reporters, whereas a standard issue-tracking project requires a standard license for every user.

There are several possible scenarios for working with a helpdesk project that can change the definition of what it means to be a reporter in this context. For example:

  • Your IT department uses YouTrack to handle purchase requests for new equipment as well as requests for service and repair. The IT support specialists have agent licenses and everyone else in your organization has access to YouTrack as a reporter.

  • Your product team has a group of dedicated customer support representatives who have been granted agent licenses in YouTrack. They respond to inquiries from anyone who buys your product. These are typically people who are not members of your organization and are only able to access your YouTrack site as reporters.

  • You sell a product to the public that is also used internally by other members of your organization. You have a team of support engineers with agent licenses who handle incoming complaints. However, the group of reporters in this scenario includes people who are internal to your organization as well as members of the public.

There are also cases where one or more of these scenarios are combined, like when you have a group of agents who provide customer support for a product, but are considered reporters when submitting their own support requests to the IT team.