Restricted Helpdesk Projects
By default, new helpdesk projects are open to all registered users of type Reporter. This means that all registered reporters have access to all helpdesk projects. Through the Authorized Reporters tab of a helpdesk project, you can configure specific reporters to have access to specific helpdesks projects.
Requires permissions: Update Project
Open the helpdesk project and click the Authorized Reporters link from the navigation menu.
Under Reporter Access select Open or Restricted.
Enabling Open allows all registered reporters access to create tickets for the helpdesk project.
Enabling Restricted allows only specific listed reporters access to create tickets for the helpdesk project.
When set to Restricted, click Add reporters to give specific reporters access.
Select reports from the drop-down list and click Add to allow access to the restricted helpdesk project.
Use the search bar to filter for users.
Requires permissions: Update Project
Open the user account for the reporter in Access Management.
Open the Access tab.
Locate the restricted helpdesk project where you want to remove the reporter from and click the Revoke access link.
Reporters can also be removed from a restricted helpdesk project directly from the Authorized Reporters tab in the project menu by clicking the X across from their account name.