YouTrack Server

Reviewing Your Tickets

Last modified: 07 March 2025

You can view all your tickets, including pending and closed ones, in one place in YouTrack under Tickets. This comes in especially handy when you have several ongoing discussions with support and you want to switch between them quickly.

On the Tickets page, you can review and post replies to your tickets and create new tickets that'll be linked to your account.

  • To open a ticket in single-ticket mode, double-click a ticket on the list or single-click the ticket summary.

    Click the ticket summary to open it in full view
  • To sort tickets by one of the ticket fields or attributes, click the name of the corresponding field or attribute in the table header.

    Click the attribute name once to sort tickets in ascending order of the selected attribute value. Click the attribute name again to sort tickets in descending order.

    Click a field or attribute to sort tickets

    You can only sort tickets by one attribute at a time.

  • To filter tickets by one or more keywords, type these keywords in the filter bar.

    Type keywords to filter tickets

    For more details about text search in YouTrack, see Text Search.

  • To filter tickets by state, add the State filter to the search box and select one or more states from the list.

    Filtering tickets by state.
  • To submit a new ticket, click the New ticket button in the header.

    The New ticket button
  • To submit a new ticket to a project of your choice, use the dropdown menu next to the New ticket button in the header.

    To open the form for new tickets in the selected project, click the corresponding project name in the dropdown menu.

    Project selector for a new ticket