Index of Menu Items
Last modified: 21 July 2022PyCharm menu structure doesn't align with PyCharm help structure. This page lists PyCharm menu items, linked to the corresponding help topics.
Menu item | Keyboard shortcut | Description | ||||||||||
New Project | Use this command to create a new project. | |||||||||||
New... | Alt+Insert | Use this command to create a new element in a project. This command is only available in the corresponding context. | ||||||||||
New Scratch File | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Insert | Choose this command to create a new scratch file. | ||||||||||
Open... | Use this command to open the specified directory, or an existing PyCharm project. A directory that contains a project is marked with This command is duplicated with | |||||||||||
Open URL... | Use this command to open source code of a web page in the editor. | |||||||||||
Learn and Teach
| This group of commands enables basic learning operations.
| |||||||||||
Save as... | Use this command to save a file currently opened in the editor, in the specified directory. This operation produces the same result, as copy refactoring. | |||||||||||
Attach Project | This command appears on the File menu, ONLY when the options Open project in a new window or Open project in the same window have been selected in the Project opening section of the System Settings page of Settings/Preferences. It allows attaching projects to the already opened one. See Managing multiple projects. | |||||||||||
Open Recent | Use this command to open one of the recent projects. | |||||||||||
Close Project in Current Window | Use this command to close all the projects opened in the current window . | |||||||||||
Course Creator
| Point to this node to reveal the nested commands:
This node is duplicated from the context menu of the Project tool window. | |||||||||||
Settings... on Windows/Linux, PyCharm | Preferences on macOS | Ctrl+Alt+S | Use this command to change the project and IDE configurations in the Settings/Preferences dialog. See also the section Configuring PyCharm settings. This command is duplicated with This command in available on Windows/Linux. On Mac OS it appears on the PyCharm menu and has the name Preferences. | ||||||||||
Settings for New Projects... | Choose this command to change settings that will apply to all newly created projects. Refer to the section Configure default project settings. | |||||||||||
Import Settings... | Choose this command to import settings from an archive. | |||||||||||
Export Settings... | Choose this command to export settings to an archive. | |||||||||||
Settings Repository... | Choose this command to invoke the Settings Repository dialog. | |||||||||||
Sync Settings to JetBrains Account | Choose this command to synchronize the settings across all IDE installations where you log in with your JetBrains account. | |||||||||||
Save All | Ctrl+S | Choose this command to save all changes, when editing is over. This command is duplicated with | ||||||||||
Reload All from Disk | Ctrl+Alt+Y | Choose this command to check the PyCharm caches and bring them up-to-date by keeping in sync with external changes. This command is duplicated with | ||||||||||
Invalidate Caches... | Choose this command to clean the system cache. | |||||||||||
Save File as Template | Choose this command to save the current file as a template file. | |||||||||||
Files or Selection to HTML | Use this command results to save selected files in HTML format. | |||||||||||
Print... | Choose this command to print selected file on the default printer. Refer to the Print dialog description. | |||||||||||
File Encoding | Use this command to change encoding of an individual file. | |||||||||||
Line Separators | Use this command to select the desired line separator style. Refer to the section Configure line separators. | |||||||||||
Make File Read-Only / Make File Writable | Use these toggle commands to change read-only status of a file selected in the Project tool window, or currently active in the editor. If a file is made read-only, it is marked with You can also toggle read-only attribute of a file in the Status bar. | |||||||||||
Power Save Mode | Use this mode if you are working with a laptop. If Power-Save mode is on, then the background processes are turned off, to minimize the power consumption. | |||||||||||
Exit | Select this command to quit PyCharm. This command in available on Windows/Linux. On MacOS it appears on the PyCharm menu and has the name Quit PyCharm. |
Menu item | Keyboard shortcut | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Undo <action> | Ctrl+Z | Use this command to roll actions back. This command is duplicated with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Redo <action> | Ctrl+Shift+Z | Use this command to repeat the last actions. This command is duplicated with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cut | Ctrl+X | Choose this command to take the selected characters to the clipboard and delete them. Refer to the section Select code constructs. This command is duplicated with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Copy | Ctrl+C | Choose this command to take the selected characters to the clipboard. Refer to the section Cutting, Copying, and Pasting. This command is duplicated with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Copy Path/Reference | Ctrl+Shift+C | Choose this command to take the path to the selected symbol to the clipboard. Refer to the section Cutting, Copying, and Pasting. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Copy as Plain Text | Ctrl+Shift+C | Choose this command to take the selected fragment to the clipboard without formatting. Refer to the section Settings/Preferences | Editor | General. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Copy Relative Path | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C | Choose this command to take a reference to a symbol to the clipboard. Refer to the section Cutting, Copying, and Pasting. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Paste | Ctrl+V | Choose this command to place the latest entry from the Clipboard at the insertion point. Refer to the section Cutting, Copying, and Pasting. This command is duplicated with the | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Paste from History... | Ctrl+Shift+V | Choose this command to place at the insertion point the selected entry from the Clipboard. Refer to the section Cutting, Copying, and Pasting. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Paste Simple | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V | Choose this command to place the last entry from the Clipboard at the insertion point as plain text. Refer to the section Select code constructs. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Delete | Delete | Choose this command to delete the selected files, or folder from the project tool window, or selected fragment of text from the active editor. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Find | Point to this node to reveal the sub-menu of search commands:
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Macros | Point to this node to reveal the sub-menu of the macros-related commands. Refer to the section Macros. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Column Selection Mode | Alt+Shift+Insert | Use this command to toggle between column selection and line selection modes. Refer to the section Work with source code. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Select All | Ctrl+A | Choose this command to select all contents of the current file. Refer to the section Work with source code. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Extend Selection | Ctrl+W | Choose this command to select the current word. Use this command successively to extend selection. Refer to the section Work with source code. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shrink Selection | Ctrl+Shift+W | Choose this command to unselect the currently selected word. Use this command successively to shrink selection. Refer to the section Work with source code. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Join Lines | Ctrl+Shift+J | Choose this command to join lines or literals. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fill Paragraph | Choose this command to create soft wraps in a paragraph. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Duplicate Lines | Ctrl+D | Choose this command to duplicate a line or fragment of text. Refer to Lines of code. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Indent Selection/Unindent Line or Selection | Tab/Shift+Tab | Choose this command to change indentation of the line at caret. See Reformat and rearrange code for details | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Toggle Case | Ctrl+Shift+U | Choose this command to change case of the selection. See Lines of code. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Convert Indents | Point to this node to reveal the sub-menu of the possible indentation and toggle indentation style. Refer to Reformat and rearrange code. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Encode XML/HTML Special Characters | Choose this command to convert the selected special character to its HTML name in the format | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Edit as Table... | Choose this command to invoke the data editor for the current documents. |
Note that the composition of this menu item depends on the current context.
Menu item | Keyboard shortcut | Description | ||||||||||||
Tool Windows | Point to this node to reveal the list of the available tool windows. Refer to the section Arrange tool windows. | |||||||||||||
Appearance | Use the commands from this group to configure the apearance of the PyCharm user interface, see User interface for details. | |||||||||||||
Enter/Exit Presentation Mode | Choose this command to enter or exit presentation mode. | |||||||||||||
Enter/Exit Distraction Free Mode | Choose this command to enter or exit distraction-free mode. | |||||||||||||
Enter/Exit Full Screen | Choose this command to enter or exit full screen mode. | |||||||||||||
Toolbar | Select or deselect this check command to show or hide the main toolbar. | |||||||||||||
Tool Windows Bar | Select or deselect this check command to show or hide the tool window buttons. | |||||||||||||
Status Bar | Select or deselect this check command to show or hide the Status toolbar. | |||||||||||||
Navigation Bar | Select or deselect this check command to show or hide the Navigation bar. | |||||||||||||
Main menu | Select or deselect this check command to show or hide the Main menu. | |||||||||||||
Main menu | Select or deselect this check command to show or hide the Main menu. | |||||||||||||
Descriptions in Tree Views | Alt + Shift + \ | Select or deselect this check command to show or hide specific details in the tree views, for example, date and time of file modification and the size of the file. | ||||||||||||
Quick Definition | Ctrl+Shift+I | Choose this command to open the quick definition popup. Refer to the section Definitions. | ||||||||||||
Quick Documentation | Ctrl+Q | Choose this command to view quick documentation popup. | ||||||||||||
External Documentation
| Shift+F1 | Choose this command to view external documentation for a symbol in the default system browser. | ||||||||||||
Parameter Info | Ctrl+P | Choose this command to . | ||||||||||||
Context Info | Alt+Q | Choose this command to show the current cursor position, if it runs out of the visible editor pane. | ||||||||||||
Jump to Source | F4 | Choose this command to edit a file selected in a tool window. The file opens in the editor. | ||||||||||||
Recent Files | Ctrl+E | Choose this command to show the list of recently opened files and tool windows, and navigate to them. | ||||||||||||
Recently Changed Files | Choose this command to show the list of recently changed files and navigate to them. | |||||||||||||
Recent Changes | Alt+Shift+C | Choose this command to open the list of recent changes. | ||||||||||||
Compare with... | Choose this command to compare the file currently opened in the editor with the contents of another file Compare files, folders, and text sources. | |||||||||||||
Compare with Clipboard | Choose this command to compare the file currently opened in the editor with the contents of the system clipboard. See Compare files, folders, and text sources. | |||||||||||||
Quick Switch Scheme | Ctrl+` | Choose this command to switch between schemes. | ||||||||||||
Active Editor | Point to this node to reveal the list of nested check commands. These commands apply to the active editor and is only available when it exists.
| |||||||||||||
BiDi Text Direction | Point to this node to select the direction of text in the string literals containing RTL strings and tokens. Refer to the page Text direction. |
Menu item | Keyboard shortcut | Description |
Class/File/Symbol | Ctrl+N/Ctrl+Shift+N Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N | Choose these commands to find and jump to a class, file, or symbol by name. |
Custom Folding... | Ctrl+Alt+. | Choose this command to navigate between custom regions. |
Line/Column... | Ctrl+G | Choose this command to navigate to the specified line of code. |
Back/Forward | Ctrl+Alt+Left/Ctrl+Alt+Right | Choose these commands to go through the history of the recently navigated items. These commands are duplicated with |
Search Everywhere | Press Shift twice | Use this command to find an item in the project or outside of it by its name. You can search for files, actions, classes, symbols, settings, and UI elements from a single entry point. Learn more from Search for a target by name (Search everywhere). |
Last/Next Edit Location | Ctrl+Shift+Backspace | Choose these commands to jump to the latest edit location and back. |
Bookmarks | Point to this node to reveal the sub-menu of commands related to using bookmarks. | |
Select In... | Alt+F1 | Choose this command to select the desired component from the list of possible targets. |
Jump to Navigation Bar | Alt+Home | Choose this command to navigate across your project using the Navigation Bar. |
Declaration | Ctrl+B | Choose this command to jump to a declaration of a symbol. |
Implementation(s) | Ctrl+Alt+B | Choose this command to jump to an implementation of a method. |
Type Declaration | Ctrl+Shift+B | Choose this command to jump to the type declaration of a symbol. |
Super Method | Ctrl+U | Choose this command to jump to a super method of the method at caret. |
Test | Ctrl+Shift+T | Choose this command to navigate to an existing test, or create a test. See section Create tests. |
Related Symbol... | Ctrl+Alt+Home | . |
File Structure | Ctrl+F12 | Choose this command to navigate through the source code using the File Structure view. |
File Path | Ctrl+Alt+F12 | See Find a file path. |
Type/Method/Call Hierarchy | Ctrl+H/Ctrl+Shift+H/Ctrl+Alt+H | Choose these commands to navigate using the hierarchy views. Refer to the sections Source code hierarchy. |
Next/Previous Highlighted Error | F2Shift+F2 | Use these shortcuts to navigate between the highlighted errors. |
Next/Previous Change | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+DownCtrl+Alt+Shift+Up | Choose these commands to navigate through the change markers (when VCS integration is enabled). |
Next/Previous Method | Alt+DownAlt+Up | Choose these commands to go up and down through the methods and tags. |
Menu item | Keyboard shortcut | Description |
Override Methods... | Ctrl+O | Choose this command to override a method. See Override methods of a superclass. |
Implement Methods... | Ctrl+I | Choose this command to implement a method. |
Implement Functions... | Ctrl+I | Choose this command to implement a method. |
Generate... | Alt+Insert | Choose this command to create a new element. See (depending on the context) Populating Projects, Generate code. |
Surround With... | Ctrl+Alt+T | Choose this command to surround a logical fragment with code construct. |
Unwrap/Remove... | Ctrl+Shift+Delete | Choose this command to unwrap an expression from enclosing statements. |
Code Completion | Point to this node to reveal the nested auto-completion commands. | |
Folding | Point to this node to reveal the nested folding commands. | |
Insert Live Template... | Ctrl+J | Choose this command to create code constructs by live templates. |
Surround with Live Template... | Ctrl+Alt+J | Choose this command to create code constructs using surround templates. |
Comment with Line Comment | Ctrl+/ | Choose this command to comment an entire line of code. See Lines of code. |
Comment with Block Comment | Ctrl+Shift+/ | Choose this command to comment out a block of code. See Lines of code. |
Reformat Code | Ctrl+Alt+L | Choose this command to perform code reformatting. See Reformat and rearrange code. |
Auto-Indent Lines | Ctrl+Alt+I | Choose this command to change indentation. |
Optimize Imports | Ctrl+Alt+O | Choose this command to optimize import statements. See Auto import. |
Rearrange Code | Choose this command to rearrange code according to the arrangement rules. This action is not supported for Python. | |
Move Statement Up/Down | Ctrl+Shift+Up/Ctrl+Shift+Down | Choose this command to Code statements. |
Move Element Left/Right | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Left/Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Right | Choose this command to move element at caret left or right. |
Move Line Up/Down | Alt+Shift+Up/Alt+Shift+Down | Choose this command to move a line at caret up or down. |
Inspect Code... | Choose this command to run an inspection. | |
Code Cleanup | Choose this command to open the dialog Specify Code Cleanup Scope dialog. | |
Run Inspection by Name... | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I | Choose this command to run the specified inspection. |
Configure Current File Analysis... | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+H | Choose this command to change highlighting level of the current file. |
View Offline Inspection Results... | Choose this command to see inspection results stored on your computer. | |
Locate Duplicates... | Choose this command to find code duplicates. Refer to Analyze duplicates. |
Note that the composition of this menu item depends on the current context.
Menu item | Keyboard shortcut | Description |
Refactor This... | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T | Choose this command to open a popup menu of the refactorings available in the current context. Refer to the section Refactor code. |
Rename... | Shift+F6 | Choose this command to rename an element. |
Change Signature... | Ctrl+F6 | Choose this command to perform the change signature refactoring. See Change signature and Change Signature for JavaScript for details. |
Move... | F6 | Choose this command to move a symbol to the specified location. |
Copy... | Ctrl+C | Choose this command to create a copy of an element in the specified location. See Copy refactoring for details. |
Safe Delete | Alt+Delete | Choose this command to delete a symbol, performing search for its usages. |
Extract | Choose this command to perform one of the extract refactorings. | |
Inline... | Ctrl+Alt+N | Choose this command to perform inline refactoring. |
Pull Members Up... | Choose this command to perform pull members up refactoring. | |
Push Members Down | Choose this command to perform push members down refactoring. | |
Invert Boolean | Choose this command to perform invert boolean refactoring. |
Menu item | Keyboard shortcut | Description |
Run <current run/debug configuration> | Shift+F10 | Choose this command to run the current script with the corresponding temporary run/debug configuration. This command is duplicated with |
Debug <current run/debug configuration> | Shift+F9 | Choose this command to debug the current script with the corresponding temporary run/debug configuration. This command is duplicated with |
Run <current run/debug configuration> with Coverage | Choose this command to run with coverage the current script with the corresponding temporary run/debug configuration. This command is duplicated with | |
Profile <current run/debug configuration> | Choose this command to perform profiling of the current script. This command is duplicated by | |
Concurrency Diagram for <current script> | Choose this command to explore the multi-threaded applications. Refer to the section Thread Concurrency Visualization for details. This command is duplicated by | |
Run... | Alt+Shift+F10 | Choose this command to select the desired run/debug configuration, and then launch it. |
Debug... | Alt+Shift+F9 | Choose this command to select the desired run/debug configuration, and then launch it in debugging mode. |
Attach to Process | Choose this command to attach to a Python script. Refer to the section Attach to process for details. | |
Edit Configurations... | Choose this command to change run/debug configuration. | |
Show Running List | Choose this command to display a popup that lists all currently running/debugging applications. Refer to the section View running processes. | |
Import Tests from File | Choose this command to import test results from a file. | |
Stop | Ctrl+F2 | Choose this command to terminate execution of a run/debug configuration. This command is duplicated with |
Stepping Commands | These commands become enabled with the debugger session on. Refer to the section Step through the program. See also descriptions of the stepping toolbar buttons in the Debug tool window reference. | |
Pause Program | Choose this command to pause output of the current run or debug session. This command is duplicated with This action is not available for Run/Debug Configuration: Attach to Node.js/Chrome. | |
Resume Program | F9 | Choose this command to resume the debugger session with the selected run/debug configuration. This command is duplicated with |
Evaluate Expression | Alt+F8 | Choose this command to evaluate expression during the debug session. |
Quick Evaluate Expression | Ctrl+Alt+F8 | Choose this command to perform quick evaluation of an expression in the editor during the debug session. |
Show Execution Point | Alt+F10 | Choose this command to show execution point during during the debug session. |
Toggle Line Breakpoint | Ctrl+F8 | Choose this command to turn on or off a line breakpoint. Refer to the section Set line breakpoints. |
Toggle Temporary Line Breakpoint | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F8 | Choose this command to turn on or off a temporary line breakpoint. Refer to the section Set line breakpoints. |
View Breakpoints... | Ctrl+Shift+F8 | Choose this command to show all available breakpoints and change them in the Breakpoints dialog. |
Note that composition of the menu Tools depends on the enabled plugins and external tools.
Menu item | Keyboard shortcut | Description |
Tasks and Contexts | Point to this node to reveal the sub-menu of commands related to tasks and contexts management. | |
Save File as Template | Choose this command to save the current file as a template file. | |
IDE Scripting Console | Choose this command to launch the interactive scripting console. | |
Analyze Stack trace... | Choose this command to analyze external stack trace. | |
Capture Memory Snapshot | Choose this command to get the memory state of the profiled application. | |
Python Console | Choose this command to launch the Python interactive console. | |
Create / Run | Use these commands to create and run | |
Show Code Coverage Data | Ctrl+Alt+F6 | Choose this command to view coverage results. See Code coverage for details. |
Vim Emulator | Select this check command to enable or disable Vim emulation. This command only appears when Vim plugin is installed and enabled. Refer to the tutorial Configuring PyCharm to work as a Vim editor. | |
Reconfigure Vim Keymap | This command is only visible, when Vim Emulator is checked. Choose it to select a different base keymap for the Vim emulator. | |
Deployment | Point to this node to reveal the sub-menu of deployment-related commands. Refer to the section Deploy. | |
Open terminal | Choose this command to run the Terminal emulator. | |
Start SSH Session | Choose this command to launch a terminal on a remote SSH server. Refer to the section Run SSH terminal. | |
HTTP Client | Point to this node to reveal the sub-menu of commands related to composing and running requests to a RESTful web service. Refer to the HTTP Client section. | |
Vagrant | Point to this node to reveal the sub-menu of standard Vagrant actions. Refer to the section Vagrant: Working with Reproducible Development Environments, and to the tutorial Configuring PyCharm to work on a VM. |
Note that the VCS menu contains different commands, depending on the enabled version control system. The following table shows the menu commands available when no version control integration is enabled.
Menu item | Keyboard shortcut | Description |
Local History | Point to this node to reveal the list of commands related to Local History. | |
Enable Version Control Integration... | Choose this command to associate a project root with one of the supported version control systems. | |
VCS Operations Popup | Alt+` | Choose this command to invoke the popup list of the most popular VCS actions. |
Apply Patch... | Choose this command to apply a patch. | |
Checkout from Version Control | Point to this node to reveal the sub-menu of the checkout commands, specific for the supported version control systems. With no version control integration enabled, it is possible to check out from SVN, Mercurial, Git, and GitHub. | |
Import into Version Control | Point to this node to reveal the sub-menu of the import commands, specific for the supported version control systems. With no version control integration enabled, it is possible to import to SVN, Mercurial, Git, and GitHub. | |
Browse VCS Repository | Point to this node to reveal the sub-menu of the browse commands, specific for the supported version control systems. With no version control integration enabled, it is possible to browse Subversion and Git repositories that are not associated with the currently opened project.
It is important to note that with VCS integration enabled, the composition of the VCS menu is different.
Menu item | Keyboard shortcut | Description |
Store Current Layout as Default | Choose this command to save the current way the tool windows are arranged. | |
Restore Default Layout | Shift+F12 | Choose this command to restore the initial way the tool windows are arranged. |
Active Tool Window | Choose this command to reveal the sub-menu of commands, related to the active tool window. Refer to the sections Tool windows, Arrange tool windows, Tool window view modes. | |
Editor Tabs | Choose this command to reveal the sub-menu of commands, related to the editor tabs. Refer to the section Editor tabs. Note that these commands can also be found from the context menu of an editor tab. | |
Background Tasks | Choose this command to reveal the sub-menu of commands, related to performing tasks in background. Refer to the section Background tasks. | |
Next Project Window / Previous Project Window | Ctrl+Alt+] Ctrl+Alt+[ | Choose this command to switch between currently opened projects. |
<project> | Select project to be shown in the active window. |
Menu item | Keyboard shortcut | Description |
Find Action | Ctrl+Shift+A | Choose this command to invoke an action by its name. |
Fill Answer Placeholders
| Choose this command to get the correct answer. | |
Lean more about PyCharm Edu Edition
| Choose this command to show the Quick Start Guide. | |
Keymap Reference | Choose this command to see the PyCharm shortcuts map in PDF format. | |
Demos and Screencasts | Choose this command to see the PyCharm demo videos and screencasts on YouTube. | |
Help | Choose this command to visit PyCharm online Help topics. | |
Tip of the Day | Choose this command to show an arbitrary tip. Refer to the section Using Tips of the Day. | |
Productivity Guide | Choose this command to show productivity guide. | |
Submit Feedback | Choose this command to report your overall impression of PyCharm to the support service. Refer to the section Reporting Issues and Sharing Your Feedback. | |
Show Log in Explorer/Finder | Choose this command to find PyCharm's log. Refer to the section Reporting Issues and Sharing Your Feedback for details. | |
Edit Custom Properties | Choose this command to open the custom file, located under the user home. If this file does not exist, PyCharm suggests to create it. Refer to the section Advanced configuration for details. | |
Edit Custom VM Options | Choose this command to open the custom file .vmoptions, located under the user home. If this file does not exist, PyCharm suggests to create it. Refer to the section Advanced configuration for details. | |
Debug Log Settings | Choose this command to change logging level for a category. Choosing this command leads to opening the Custom Debug Log Configuration dialog, where you have to type the log categories names, separated with new lines. Refer to the section Reporting Issues and Sharing Your Feedback. | |
Developer Community | Choose this command to open the PyCharm community page. | |
Register... | Choose this command to register PyCharm. | |
Check for Updates... | Choose this command to obtain information about the current version, and the availability of newer versions of PyCharm. Refer to Update PyCharm. This command in available on Windows/Linux. On macOS it appears on the PyCharm menu. | |
About | Choose this command to obtain information about the current version of PyCharm, current build, and so on. Press Escape to close the popup window. This command in available on Windows/Linux. On macOS it appears on the PyCharm menu. |