dotCover 2024.2 Help

Match Coverage Snapshot with Project Structure

If you analyze a coverage snapshot that corresponds to the current Visual Studio solution, dotCover allows synchronizing the coverage results tree of the snapshot shown in the Coverage Results Browser window or in the Unit Test Coverage window with the solution tree, including solution folders and sorting order. This option is enabled by default and makes navigation within the snapshot more comfortable.

Enable or disable matching the snapshot with the solution structure

  1. Open a coverage snapshot in the Coverage Results Browser window or in the Unit Test Coverage window .

  2. On the toolbar of the Coverage Results Browser window window or the Unit Test Coverage window, click Match coverage results with current project structure ThemedIcon.JetBrainsDotCoverVsPresentationResourcesSolutionBasedCoverageTreeMatch.Screen.(Gray).png to toggle this option.

Last modified: 11 February 2024