dotCover 2024.2 Help

View Coverage of Unit Tests

After running coverage analysis of unit tests, you can study coverage results in the opened Unit Test Coverage window. The window displays the code coverage tree of the whole solution.

dotCover: Unit Test Coverage window

Depending on your task, you may choose between three scopes:

  • All Tests: the tree shows aggregated coverage results from all sessions. It may be convenient when, for example, you have some integration tests where continuous testing is not possible, and some simple unit tests where continuous testing is enabled. The tree aggregates results from both sessions, allowing you to instantly see how close you are to covering all the code.

  • All Tests in Active Session: the tree shows coverage results for all unit tests from the session that is currently selected in the Unit Test Sessions window.

  • Selected Tests in Active Session: the tree shows coverage results for the test that is currently selected in the current session in the Unit Test Sessions window.

Last modified: 26 May 2024