What is Coverage Snapshot?

Last modified: 11 February 2024

dotCover records and stores coverage analysis data in coverage snapshots.

A coverage snapshot is a data unit containing code coverage statistics for all assemblies that were involved in a coverage run and had source code or PDB files available during the test run. Coverage snapshots are saved in files with the *.dcvr extensions and can be opened later with Visual Studio (with dotCover installed) or with dotCover standalone application.

For coverage of unit tests and coverage of tests on server side, assemblies that contain unit tests are also included in the coverage snapshot.

Each item within the snapshot has its own percentage of statement coverage calculated as a ratio of the number of covered statements to the total number of statements. The coverage is rounded to the nearest whole percent.

Once you open a coverage snapshot from a file or finish a coverage test run, the snapshot is visually displayed in the Coverage Results Browser window or in the Unit Test Coverage window .