

Qodana 的静态代码分析可以帮助开发团队遵循约定的质量标准,并交付可读易维护安全的代码。 由 JetBrains 提供支持。

60 天免费试用

起价为每位开发者 41.25 CNY

为什么使用 Qodana 进行代码分析?


20 多年来,我们一直根据数百万社区成员的反馈完善 IDE 中的代码分析。 Qodana 依赖 JetBrains IDE 的 linter,并将其智能带到 CI 方面。 就像在我们的 IDE 中一样,Qodana 的分析准确但不繁琐,并且了解代码的细微差别。

CI 管道和 IDE 之间的简短反馈

与开发人员日常使用的工具(包括 JetBrains IDE)集成后,无论您使用哪种工具都能轻松处理 Qodana 的结果。

与其他 JetBrains 工具一样的快速修复

Qodana 不仅能报告问题,还能提出自动修复建议。


Qodana 按每个活跃贡献者计算许可证,因此不会导致意外费用或向您收取项目扩展费用(因为我们不计算 LOC)。 对开源项目也是免费的。


  1. Amit Weinblum

    Moovit 基础架构团队负责人

    Qodana 确保我们的生产系统稳定运行,并让开发者能够及时修正管道中的问题。我们看到了模式的转变,在 Qodana 的帮助下,开发团队遵循政策,并且不必承受数日的熬夜之苦。


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1 / 4(Current Item: 1)
1 / 3(Current Item: 1)


在 JetBrains IDE 中打开静态代码分析结果。

CI/CD 集成

您可以将 Qodana 与任何 CI/CD 工具相集成,包括 JenkinsGitHub ActionsGitLabTeamCity

IDE 集成

与大多数流行的 IDE 相集成,如 IntelliJ IDEAPhpStormRiderVS Code,您不必离开编辑器即可研究分析结果并解决问题。

支持最流行的语言和开发框架以及无穷无尽的 CI/CD 集成。覆盖范围一直在扩大!

没有您的技术吗?请联系 Qodana 团队

查看 Qodana 的实际运作

Qodana 视频

In this livestream, you will discover how to integrate Qodana, our static code analysis platform, into your IDE and CI pipeline, build quality gates, and catch critical issues early. Whether you're new to Qodana or looking to deepen your understanding of the platform, this session will provide practical insights and live examples to help you streamline your development process.

Description: Join us for a live demo of Qodana, the static code analysis platform from JetBrains. Discover how to integrate Qodana into your IDE and CI pipeline, build quality gates, and catch critical issues early. Whether you're new to Qodana or looking to deepen your understanding of the platform, this session will provide practical insights and live examples to help you streamline your development process.

In this session, you'll learn:

How to set up Qodana in your development environment.
How to use Qodana's powerful code analysis features.
How to integrate Qodana with your CI/CD pipeline.
Best practices for using Qodana to improve code quality.
Don't miss the chance to see Qodana in action and ask your questions on how to do code quality right.

#Qodana #CodeAnalysis #StaticAnalysis #CodeQuality #JetBrains #IDE #CICD #Development #BestPractices #LiveDemo
Register now!
Code Quality Booster: Live Qodana Demo & Best Practices for Code Analysis
TRY QODANA FREE FOR 60 DAYS: https://www.jetbrains.com/qodana

Get a quick look into how Helen and her teammates use Qodana for:

- Pushing changes and creating a pull request with ease.
- Discovering issues flagged by Qodana during the quality gate process.
- Navigating the Qodana Cloud and Web UI for detailed reports.
- Fixing detected problems right in the IDE.
- Successfully merging pull requests with confidence!

👉 Don't forget to subscribe for more insights. Share your thoughts and questions in the comments below!

#Qodana #CodeQuality #DevTools #Programming #SoftwareDevelopment #CI/CD #CodeReview #IDE #ContinuousIntegration
I Put a Hardcoded Password in a JetBrains Repository…
When you program in your favorite IDE, the editor enriches the code with helpful information to spot issues early in development. To write quality code, it is essential to identify code formatting issues, possible resource leaks, tainted code, and vulnerabilities in project dependencies.

In this session, you will learn about the tools in IntelliJ IDEA to help you work with and improve the quality of your code. We’ll also explore the Qodana code quality platform, which is based on the code analysis engines provided by IntelliJ IDEA. Because of this, we’ll apply the same tools in the CI pipeline to build quality gates and monitor our project’s health. In this live coding session demonstrating various code checks and metrics, you will learn how to integrate Qodana static analysis into your project.

Speaker: Anton Arhipov
Anton is a Developer Advocate on the Kotlin team at JetBrains. With a professional background in server-side development, Anton has been building tools for developers for more than 10 years. Recognized as a Java Champion since 2014, he is often a speaker at large software conferences and contributes to the Kotlin YouTube channel.

#codequality #staticanalysis #codingproductivity #codingbestpractices #java #intellijidea 

Join us:
Website: https://jb.gg/website
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Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea
Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://jb.gg/Top15IntelliJIDEAShortcuts

Qodana website: https://jb.gg/qfmq6s
Qodana pricing: https://jb.gg/vnh5yq
Qodana Code Analysis: From the IDE to Quality Gates
In this video, Qodana Developer Advocate, Anton Arhipov, gives you step-by-step directions on how to set up and use the Qodana IDE Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA. Full post here: https://jb.gg/ej4pwt
00:00 - What is Qodana? 
0:30 - What is the IDE Plugin capable of?
0:47 - Demonstrating the IDE workflow with the Qodana Plugin
1:09 - How to configure the Qodana IDE Plugin
2:11 - Understanding reporting functionality
2:52 - Applying changes to the configuration file
3:36 - Configuring Qodana in a CI server
6:09 - Creating new project in Qodana Cloud
9:11 - Linking the IDE Plugin to Qodana Cloud
9:45 - Summary

⭐️ Our resources ⭐️
Configure Qodana with GitHub Actions: https://jb.gg/vstvwo
Website: https://www.jetbrains.com/qodana/
Community: https://github.com/jetbrains/Qodana/d...
Blog: https://blog.jetbrains.com/qodana/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Qodana

#qodana #jetbrains #codequality #cicd #codeinspection #teamtools #staticanalysis
Unlock Code Quality with the Qodana IDE Plugin
In this video, Anton Arhipov, Qodana developer advocate, will show you how to experiment with Qodana linters on your machine using a convenient command line utility.

00:00 - Qodana installation options
0:39 - Get started with a new project
1:41 - Create the initial configuration
3:18 - What is an inspection profile?
3:35 - Types of inspection profiles in Qodana
4:10 - The Qodana analysis in action
4:34 - Qodana report with the analysis results

⭐️ Our resources ⭐️
Website: https://www.jetbrains.com/qodana/
Community: https://github.com/jetbrains/Qodana/d...
Blog: https://blog.jetbrains.com/qodana/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Qodana

#qodana #jetbrains #codequality #cicd #codeinspection #teamtools #staticanalysis
Get Started with Qodana CLI
In this episode, Anton Arhipov, Qodana developer advocate, will show you how to set up #Qodana static analysis with GitHub Actions and integrate the workflow with the Qodana Cloud dashboard for more convenient analysis.

At the end, you’ll have a working static analysis phase for the project that works within the GitHub Actions workflow and monitors the health of your project.

00:00 - Qodana components
0:44 - Configure Qodana with GitHub Actions: prerequisites
2:31 - Step 1: Add the Qodana scan configuration
3:24 - Step 2: Add the Qodana linter configuration file
3:54 - Step 3: Configure the secret token to send reports to Qodana Cloud
4:54 - Step 4: Push the changes to the GitHub repository
5:15 - Common mistakes when configuring the project and how to fix them
6:05 - Results of the first static analysis runs
6:40 - Analysis overview in Qodana Cloud
7:06 - Step 5: Enable more checks for the project (license analysis example)

⭐️ Our resources ⭐️
Website: https://www.jetbrains.com/qodana/
Community: https://github.com/jetbrains/Qodana/d...
Blog: https://blog.jetbrains.com/qodana/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Qodana

#qodana #jetbrains #codequality #cicd #codeinspection #teamtools #staticanalysis #github
Configure Qodana with GitHub Actions
#Qodana is a code quality platform by JetBrains. The Qodana static analysis engine enriches CI/CD pipelines with all of the smart features from JetBrains IDEs. The platform provides an overview of project quality and lets you set quality targets, track progress, and automate routine tasks like code reviews. Qodana supports 60+ languages and technologies including JavaScript, Java, Kotlin, PHP, .NET, Python, and Go.

Anton Arhipov, Qodana developer advocate, will give you a walkthrough of the Qodana code quality platform so you can bring JetBrains IDE-native inspections to your CI/CD with ease.

Get started with Qodana now! https://www.jetbrains.com/qodana/

00:00 - Introduction
0:20 - Static code analysis engine in JetBrains IDEs
1:07 - Why do you need Qodana to bring inspections to your CI?
1:36 - Qodana components
1:56 - Qodana report overview
2:33 - Open an issue in the IDE
3:27 - Inspection profile configuration
4:20 - Qodana integration with CI and a GitHub Actions example
5:05 - License compatibility analysis example

⭐️ Our resources ⭐️
Website: https://www.jetbrains.com/qodana/
Community: https://github.com/jetbrains/Qodana/discussions
Blog: https://blog.jetbrains.com/qodana/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Qodana

#qodana #jetbrains #codequality #cicd #codeinspection #teamtools #staticanalysis
Qodana Code Quality Platform – Overview

Qodana 常见问题解答

我们不在 JetBrains 托管的环境中运行任何分析。所有分析都在您的 CI/CD 系统中执行,因此只要您的 CI/CD 实例得到妥善保护,您的数据就是安全的。
否,分析在您的 CI 服务器上运行。Qodana Cloud 仅提供报告概览。
我们提供语言覆盖范围有限的免费 Community Edition 和 2 种付费方案。两种付费方案均提供 2 个月的免费试用期。Qodana 对特定用户组免费。有关详细信息,请查看特别优惠页面。
Qodana 有 2 种付费方案,按活跃贡献者收费。活跃贡献者是指在过去 90 天内对您在 Qodana Cloud 中注册的项目进行提交的人员,提交的最初创作时间与此无关。此类贡献者的数量将使用提交作者信息及其对项目的贡献被推送的时间戳来计算。
付费方案至少需要 3 名活跃贡献者。

以下是使用 Qodana 进行静态代码分析的一些充分理由:

Qodana 更具成本效益。我们不会按代码行收费。

包括 SonarQube 在内的许多代码分析器都会计算 LOC,您的项目越大,静态分析的成本就越高。Qodana 按活跃贡献者计算许可证,并且不会向您收取构建项目的费用。

在不影响 IDE 性能的情况下运行检查

您可以在开发环境之外运行资源密集型检查,从而不损害 IDE 的性能。您将不必在代码质量和 IDE 性能之间做出让步!


Qodana 是市场上唯一使用原生 JetBrains 检查和配置文件的代码分析软件。这意味着您可以配置检查,在本地依赖它们,并确保整个团队使用相同的规则。Qodana 有助于使代码质量日常任务保持一致。


使用 Qodana,您可以将大项目分成小步骤。您可以构建一个报告来评估所有待修改的代码片段、估计工作量、决定应该纳入多少团队成员,并使用 Qodana 仪表板监控进度。

与 JetBrains IDE 捆绑

Qodana 开箱即与 JetBrains IDE 捆绑在一起,因此您可以直接导航到 linter 检测到的问题并进行快速修正。




没有任何源代码分析工具像 JetBrains 一样深入理解代码。Qodana 依托于 JetBrains 20 多年的代码质量经验。

立即开始使用 Qodana!
