TeamCity REST API Reference 2024.07 Help


Represents a branch of the remote repository that stores sources processed by this build.

Related Help article: Feature Branches



A public branch name displayed in TeamCity UI. To get a full VCS name instead (for example, refs/heads/main), read the vcsBranchName property of a nested Revision entity.


An internal branch name.


Returns true if this branch is the default branch of this build configuration; otherwise, false. When obtaining builds of the specific BuildType, add the branch(default:any) locator to get builds from all existing branches.


Returns true for unspecified branches; otherwise, false. A branch is labeled as unspecified when TeamCity fails to find a branch for this build. Such branches have a predefined '<unspecified>' name.


Returns true for active branches and false for inactive ones. A branch is considered inactive if it had neither new TeamCity builds in the last 24 hours, nor recent VCS repository changes in the last 7 days. Learn more: Active branches.


Returns the date and time of the last branch activity (the last TeamCity build or the latest VCS commit).


Returns true if the branch belongs to the automatically created 'My Branches' group; otherwise, false. Branch grouping allows TeamCity to automatically categorize branches based on current TeamCity user commits.


Returns all builds that target this branch.


Below, you can find a full schema of this object, in XML and JSON formats. You can choose what fields to submit depending on your current needs. Different methods might expect different fields: the best approach is to request this entity via GET and use the response as a base for the following POST request.

A link to another object implies that you can substitute it with the schema of the linked object, if it is required for your call.

<branch active="true" default="true" groupFlag="false" internalName="&lt;default&gt;" lastActivity="20240426T123848+0200" name="main" unspecified="false"> <builds count="12" href="/app/rest/builds?locator=buildType:Project_Config&amp;fields=count,href" nextHref="/app/rest/builds?locator=count:200,start:250,state:finished" prevHref="/app/rest/builds?locator=count:50,start:0,state:finished"> <build>[[[build...|build.html]]]</build> </builds> </branch>
{ "internalName" : "<default>", "default" : true, "unspecified" : false, "name" : "main", "builds" : { "build" : [ { "agent" : "[[[agent...|agent.html]]]", "metadata" : "[[[datas...|datas.html]]]", "triggered" : "[[[TriggeredBy...|triggeredby.html]]]", "usedByOtherBuilds" : true, "settingsHash" : "settingsHash", "number" : "54", "chainModificationId" : "chainModificationId", "changesCollectingInProgress" : false, "lastChanges" : "[[[changes...|changes.html]]]", "resultingProperties" : "[[[properties...|properties.html]]]", "composite" : false, "links" : "[[[links...|links.html]]]", "id" : 8134, "state" : "queued", "href" : "/app/rest/builds/id:8006", "detachedFromAgent" : false, "compatibleCloudImages" : "[[[cloudImages...|cloudimages.html]]]", "artifacts" : "[[[files...|files.html]]]", "testOccurrences" : "[[[testOccurrences...|testoccurrences.html]]]", "artifactDependencyChanges" : "[[[buildChanges...|buildchanges.html]]]", "startProperties" : "[[[properties...|properties.html]]]", "defaultBranch" : true, "compatibleAgents" : "[[[agents...|agents.html]]]", "artifact-dependencies" : "[[[builds...|builds.html]]]", "replacementIds" : "[[[items...|items.html]]]", "personal" : true, "history" : true, "tags" : "[[[tags...|tags.html]]]", "canceledInfo" : "[[[comment...|comment.html]]]", "matrixConfiguration" : "[[[MatrixConfiguration...|matrixconfiguration.html]]]", "running-info" : "[[[progress-info...|progressinfo.html]]]", "versionedSettingsRevision" : "[[[Revision...|revision.html]]]", "percentageComplete" : 6, "webUrl" : "", "buildType" : "[[[buildType...|buildtype.html]]]", "triggeringOptions" : "[[[buildTriggeringOptions...|buildtriggeringoptions.html]]]", "locator" : "locator", "startDate" : "20240408T162559+0200", "status" : "SUCCESS", "pinned" : true, "customized" : true, "approvalInfo" : "[[[approvalInfo...|approvalinfo.html]]]", "vcsLabels" : [ "[[[vcsLabel...|vcslabel.html]]]" ], "customization" : "[[[customizations...|customizations.html]]]", "finishEstimate" : "20240409T160130+0200", "changes" : "[[[changes...|changes.html]]]", "plannedAgent" : "[[[agent...|agent.html]]]", "running" : true, "statusChangeComment" : "[[[comment...|comment.html]]]", "finishOnAgentDate" : "20240408T162702+0200", "buildTypeId" : "ProjectName_BuildConfName", "buildTypeInternalId" : "buildTypeInternalId", "originalProperties" : "[[[properties...|properties.html]]]", "modificationId" : "modificationId", "related" : "[[[related...|related.html]]]", "failedToStart" : true, "revisions" : "[[[Revisions...|revisions.html]]]", "delayedByBuild" : "[[[build...|build.html]]]", "queuePosition" : 2, "problemOccurrences" : "[[[problemOccurrences...|problemoccurrences.html]]]", "artifactsDirectory" : "/Users/John.Doe/.BuildServer/system/artifacts/ProjectName/ConfigName/1337", "relatedIssues" : "[[[issuesUsages...|issuesusages.html]]]", "branchName" : "sandbox", "startEstimate" : "20240409T155123+0200", "downloadedArtifacts" : "[[[downloadedArtifacts...|downloadedartifacts.html]]]", "limitedChangesCount" : 3, "firstBuildWithSameChanges" : "[[[build...|build.html]]]", "currentSettingsHash" : "currentSettingsHash", "unspecifiedBranch" : false, "queuedWaitReasons" : "[[[properties...|properties.html]]]", "waitReason" : "There are no idle compatible agents which can run this build", "pinInfo" : "[[[comment...|comment.html]]]", "snapshot-dependencies" : "[[[builds...|builds.html]]]", "statusText" : "Tests passed: 5, muted: 1", "custom-artifact-dependencies" : "[[[artifact-dependencies...|artifactdependencies.html]]]", "comment" : "[[[comment...|comment.html]]]", "finishDate" : "20240408T162702+0200", "attributes" : "[[[entries...|entries.html]]]", "user" : "[[[user...|user.html]]]", "queuedDate" : "20240408T162059+0200", "taskId" : 3, "properties" : "[[[properties...|properties.html]]]", "statistics" : "[[[properties...|properties.html]]]" } ], "count" : 12, "prevHref" : "/app/rest/builds?locator=count:50,start:0,state:finished", "href" : "/app/rest/builds?locator=buildType:Project_Config&fields=count,href", "nextHref" : "/app/rest/builds?locator=count:200,start:250,state:finished" }, "active" : true, "lastActivity" : "20240426T123848+0200", "groupFlag" : false }
Last modified: 04 July 2024