TeamCity REST API Reference 2024.07 Help


The VCS-side tag that labels sources of this build.

Related Help article: Labeling Sources



The public VCS tag name


The reason why the sources could not be labeled. Provides additional information why the status field returns FAILED.


The status of the labeling (tagging) operation. Possible values:

  • UNKNOWN — the operation status is currently unknown.

  • SUCCESSFUL_SET — the sources were successfully tagged.

  • IS_BEING_SET — the labeling (tagging) process is currently ongoing.

  • FAILED — the sources could not be labeled.

  • DISABLED_FOR_THE_ROOT — the current root is excluded from the labeling process.

  • LABELING_NOT_SUPPORTED — VCS does not support labeling.


The internal ID of the build during which the sources were tagged.


The instance of a VCS root that was used during the tagging process.


Below, you can find a full schema of this object, in XML and JSON formats. You can choose what fields to submit depending on your current needs. Different methods might expect different fields: the best approach is to request this entity via GET and use the response as a base for the following POST request.

A link to another object implies that you can substitute it with the schema of the linked object, if it is required for your call.

<vcsLabel buildId="9629" failureReason="string" status="SUCCESSFUL_SET" text="EAP"> <vcs-root-instance commitHookMode="true" href="string" id="string" lastVersion="string" lastVersionInternal="string" modificationCheckInterval="123" name="string" projectLocator="string" vcs-root-id="string" vcsName="string" vcsRootInternalId="string"> <vcs-root>[[[vcs-root...|vcsroot.html]]]</vcs-root> <status>[[[vcsStatus...|vcsstatus.html]]]</status> <repositoryState>[[[repositoryState...|repositorystate.html]]]</repositoryState> <properties>[[[properties...|properties.html]]]</properties> <repositoryIdStrings>[[[items...|items.html]]]</repositoryIdStrings> </vcs-root-instance> </vcsLabel>
{ "failureReason" : "failureReason", "vcs-root-instance" : { "lastVersion" : "lastVersion", "vcsRootInternalId" : "vcsRootInternalId", "commitHookMode" : true, "vcs-root" : { "vcsRootInstances" : "[[[vcs-root-instances...|vcsrootinstances.html]]]", "project" : "[[[project...|project.html]]]", "projectLocator" : "projectLocator", "uuid" : "uuid", "modificationCheckInterval" : 3, "internalId" : "internalId", "name" : "name", "vcsName" : "vcsName", "id" : "id", "href" : "href", "locator" : "locator", "properties" : "[[[properties...|properties.html]]]", "repositoryIdStrings" : "[[[items...|items.html]]]" }, "projectLocator" : "projectLocator", "modificationCheckInterval" : 7, "lastVersionInternal" : "lastVersionInternal", "name" : "name", "vcsName" : "vcsName", "vcs-root-id" : "vcs-root-id", "id" : "id", "href" : "href", "properties" : { "count" : 1, "property" : [ { "inherited" : true, "name" : "name", "type" : "[[[type...|type.html]]]", "value" : "value" } ], "href" : "href" }, "status" : { "current" : "[[[VcsCheckStatus...|vcscheckstatus.html]]]", "previous" : "[[[VcsCheckStatus...|vcscheckstatus.html]]]" }, "repositoryState" : { "count" : 3, "branch" : [ "[[[branchVersion...|branchversion.html]]]" ], "timestamp" : "timestamp" }, "repositoryIdStrings" : { "item" : [ "item" ] } }, "buildId" : 9629, "text" : "EAP", "status" : "SUCCESSFUL_SET" }
Last modified: 27 August 2024