JetBrains Rider
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EF-specific code inspections

Last modified: 27 November 2024

JetBrains Rider provides the following code inspections for code issues specific to Entity Framework projects:

If you do not find some or all of these inspections helpful, you can clear the Enable Entity Framework-specific inspections checkbox on the Editor | Inspection Settings | Entity Framework page of JetBrains Rider settings CtrlAlt0S, or alternatively, you can disable only model-specific or only query-specific inspections on that page.

On that settings page, you can also list FQNs (fully qualified names) of database context classes (classes inherited from DbContext) that will be ignored during code analysis for identifying N+1, incomplete data, and other related issues.

You can click Add above the table to specify FQNs manually, or you can press AltEnter in the editor at the corresponding highlighting and choose to ignore the related context class:

JetBrains Rider: Disabling Entity Framework inspections for a DB context class from the 'Alt+Enter' menu