Get dotTrace

Forecast Performance

Last modified: 26 May 2024

For large and complicated applications, it normally takes a lot of time to profile them. While analysing a snapshot you may find functions or even classes that seem to be time-consuming. It would definitely help to make sure that optimizing those functions and classes can increase overall application performance. The Adjust Function option allows you to instantly see the impact of optimizing a function to a certain extent.

If you want to exclude the selected function or reduce the execution time practically to zero, you can easily do it.

If you plan to optimize the selected function to a certain extent only or you need fine-grained control on time adjustment, use the Adjust Time dialog.

Look through examples below. The first figure shows that the most time is spent in the InitializeComponents function.


The second figure shows what changes if the execution time of this function is adjusted by 50%:


Pay attention, that dotTrace doesn't show adjusted time for thread nodes in the Threads Tree view. The time for a thread is a sum of work time and idle time, that's why it's not possible to determine exactly how time adjustment affects the time of the thread.

To clear all adjustments in the current snapshot, open the Overview view and click Clear all adjustments under the Adjusted Functions section.