GoLand 2024.2 Help

Learn about differences in user interfaces

When transitioning from Visual Studio Code to GoLand, you will notice significant differences in their user interfaces.

No workspace

The first thing you will notice when launching GoLand is that it has no workspace concept. This means that you can work with only one project at a time. While in Visual Studio Code you normally have a set of projects that may depend on each other, in GoLand you have a single project that consists of a set of modules.

If you have several unrelated projects, you can open them in separate windows.

Visual Studio Code


Visual Studio Code

Tool windows

Just like in Visual Studio Code, in GoLand you also have tool windows. You can find a full list of all available tool windows at View | Tool Windows. Selecting a tool window will open it. Tool windows are also accessible from the tool window buttons on the tool window bars.

If you do not want to use the mouse, you can always switch to any toolbar by pressing the shortcut assigned to it. The most important shortcuts to remember are:

  • Project: Alt+1

  • Commit: Alt+0

  • Terminal: Alt+F12

Another thing about tool windows is that you can drag, pin, unpin, attach and detach them:

Tool window options menu: Move to

For more information, refer to Arrange tool windows and Tool window view modes.

To help store/restore the tool windows layout, there are several useful commands:

  • Window | Layouts | Save Current Layout as New: save the arrangement as a new layout.

  • Window | Layouts | Restore Current Layout: reset changes in your current layout. (also available via Shift+F12)

For more information, refer to Layouts.

Multiple windows

Windows management in GoLand is slightly different from Visual Studio Code. You cannot open several windows with one project, but you can detach any number of editor tabs into separate windows. To move the tab to a separate window, right-click the tab and select Move Tab to New Window (or press Shift+F4).

Multiple windows

Always select opened files

By default, GoLand does not navigate to the file in Project tool window when you switch between editor tabs. However, you can enable it in the Project tool window settings:

Enabling the 'Always select opened file' option
Last modified: 02 May 2024