Back Traces

Last modified: 05 November 2024

As well as the call tree, the Back Traces view shows the list of calls that have created a certain object set. But unlike the call tree, calls are shown starting from the one that directly created an object set and descending to the first call in the stack. In other words, Back Traces is the inverted Call Tree.

The list of calls consists of the following columns:

Because of the .NET nature, profiling can be started only after an app performs some initialization routines. That is why there are a number of objects for which allocation information is not available. These are, for example, System.OutOfMemoryException, System.StackOverflowException, and others. All such objects are grouped under the Objects allocated before the profiling session item in the stack trace.

Sometimes, dotMemory can't collect allocation data for some objects during profiling. All such objects are grouped under the Objects skipped during the profiling session item in the stack trace.
