dotCover 2024.2 Help


dotCover options: dotCover | Filtering

This page allows you to configure coverage filters. Use them to narrow the coverage scope.

Analyze code only in

An assembly, a class, and/or a method to be included in the coverage analysis. All other code items will be excluded. Code items are filtered independently on one another.

Do not analyze code in

Fully qualified name of an assembly, a class, and/or a method to be excluded from the coverage analysis. Code items are filtered independently on one another.

Do not analyze code marked with attributes

Fully qualified attribute class name that will be used to exclude symbols from the coverage analysis. For example, System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.ExcludeFromCodeCoverageAttribute or *.ExcludeFromCodeCoverageAttribute.

Exclude file masks

Files to be excluded from the coverage tree.

You can use Ant-style wildcards in file masks:

  • ? to match a single character excluding directory separators

  • * to match zero or more characters excluding directory separators

  • ** to match any number of characters including directory separators

  • / or \ to match directory separators regardless of the OS path format

For example a pattern **Test?\**.* will match the following files:

  • C:\Projects\MyTestX\data\file_one.txt

  • /home/projects/TestY/file_two.xml

But not:

  • C:\Projects\Test\data\file_one.txt

  • /home/projects/TestY/file_two

Exclude auto-properties from coverage results

Exclude auto-implemented properties from the coverage tree.

Last modified: 11 February 2024