dotCover 2024.2 Help

Debug Covering Tests

Once you have coverage data, you can use dotCover to quickly analyze the cause of failed tests:

Examine stack trace

View the stack trace of a failed test

  1. Open the snapshot that you want to analyze in the Coverage Results Browser window or in the Unit Test Coverage window .

  2. Select the desired test.

  3. Select the Output tab on the right part of the window.

Note that there is a faster way of doing this operation if you use code coverage highlighting.

View the stack trace of a failed test (if highlighting is enabled)

  1. In Visual Studio editor, find the line of code that leads to a failed test.

  2. Click the highlighting marker in the left gutter.

  3. In the list, select the desired test.

  4. Click the arrow that stands after the test name.

dotCover: Accessing stack traces of covering tests

Debug tests

If the code coverage highlighting is enabled, you can quickly set a breakpoint on a particular line and run debugging.

Set a breakpoint and run debugging

  1. In Visual Studio editor, find the line of code that leads to a failed test.

  2. Click the highlighting marker in the left gutter.

  3. In the list, select the desired test.

  4. Click the dc_bpoint_debug.png button.

Last modified: 11 February 2024