Enable access restrictions in Code With Me session

Last modified: 31 October 2024

In some cases, due to security policies in your company, you may need to control access to certain parts of the system during the Code With Me session. For example, you can forcibly disable access to the terminal, files, tool windows, or the run actions for all users of the session. This means that the session host cannot enable access to any restricted parts of the system for any session or user.

You can use the following file (for Windows key) names:

  • access_terminal


    For a terminal, the Disabled, Readonly, and FullAccess values are available.

    The Disabled parameter not only restricts access to the terminal but also makes it unavailable to all guests in a session.

    The Readonly parameter will allow only seeing the host terminal, but restricts access to the terminal for all guests in a session.

    If you have further questions or concerns, contact codewithme-support@jetbrains.com.

  • access_files

  • access_run

  • access_toolwindow

Use the following available values:

  • Disabled

  • Readonly

  • FullAccess

  • For the user-specific settings, create a text file settingName at the following location:

    /Users/UserName/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/CodeWithMe/settingName
  • For the system-wide settings, create a text file settingName at the following location:
