Code With Me security FAQ

Last modified: 12 August 2024

When you start working with Code With Me, some questions on security may appear. The most frequent questions are collected in the FAQ section, but also this page covers some on-premises setup-related sides.

Since Code With Me is a plugin, it is supported in the majority of the JetBrains products. You can follow the Getting Started guide in a product with which you are working to get familiar with the UI:

Data that you share during the Code With Me session is going through the JetBrains' servers, and you can check the more detailed information in the FAQ section.

If you have the on-premises setup configured but no offline storage is set up in your organization, and the data goes through JetBrains' servers, the only information we receive is the machine's IP address and the lobby server version.

If, for security reasons, you don't want to use the JetBrains' servers, you can control the IT infrastructure and data that goes back and forth by configuring the on-premises servers.

Depending on the requirements for setting up the servers, you can use a quick setup for evaluation purposes and testing, or refer to Code With Me administration guide configuring the relay and lobby servers.

If you come across problems during configuration or have some questions about privacy policies, agreements, or other related subjects, use the following links and addresses that might help solve your issues.

  • General JetBrains Privacy Policy is available here

  • JetBrains Account Agreement is available here

  • The payment methods data about purchases are stored only on the side of our PCI DSS compliant payment gateway provider "Adyen"

  • Customers of our shop data are stored in Ireland (AWS)

Use the following table to get more information on security in addition to general security FAQ.