Tag Articles

Last modified: 04 February 2025

Adding tags to articles in a knowledge base can provide several benefits.

  • Tags can help users find relevant articles quickly by enabling them to search for specific topics or themes within your knowledge base.

  • Tags can help you categorize and organize your knowledge base content. By grouping articles with similar tags, you can create a more logical and intuitive structure that makes it easier for users to navigate and explore your knowledge base.

You can associate any article with an unlimited number of tags.

Tags give you an alternative method to search for articles. Instead of searching by author, state, or project, you can tag any number of articles and search for articles by tag. Use tags to add arbitrary and descriptive attributes to any article without having to worry about adding new custom fields.

The tags you use to categorize articles are also available for use with issues and helpdesk tickets. This means you can use a single scheme to group and search for content across the application.