Resolve Issues

Last modified: 13 February 2025

In YouTrack, issues are classified as either unresolved or resolved. This classification is determined by custom fields that store a state type.

Each value in a state-type field has an additional Resolved property.

  • If the Resolved property is deselected, there's still work to be done in issues that are assigned the corresponding value for the state-type field.

  • If the value is marked as Resolved, no further effort is required for issues that are assigned the corresponding state.

One of the default fields that is preconfigured for every YouTrack installation is the State field. For each of the values in this field, the state for the Resolved property is set as shown in the following table:

Issue fields in YouTrack are fully customizable. This means that values that are marked as resolved in the default State field or any other state-type field may or may not be marked as resolved for issues in your project. If you question whether a state properly reflects the resolution status for issues in a project, reach out to the project administrator. Project admins can configure the Resolved property for any value in a state-type field independently from the values used for the same field in other projects.

To resolve an issue, all you usually have to do is change the value for a state-type field to a resolved state. For situations where additional effort is required, read Resolving Issues with Multiple State-type Fields.

This classification is reflected in the visual presentation of the issue.

  • In unresolved issues, the issue ID is presented in black text. The summary is presented in blue text.

  • For resolved issues, the issue ID and summary are presented in gray text. The issue ID is shown in strikethrough text.

The following example illustrates the difference between resolved and unresolved issues in the Issues list:

Issue representation resolved state
  1. An issue that has been resolved.

  2. Issues that remain in an unresolved state.

Whenever the value for a state-type field changes from an unresolved state to a state that is considered to be resolved, the visual presentation is updated in the issue.

This classification is also referenced in the search query language with the keywords Unresolved and Resolved. These search attributes filter for issues that are assigned any state that is considered to be unresolved or resolved, respectively. For more information, see Keywords.