Mailbox Integrations with Standard Issue Tracking Projects

Last modified: 20 February 2025

The primary purpose of a mailbox integration is to support the transformation of email messages into tickets in a helpdesk project. However, this feature is only supported starting from YouTrack 2023.1. In earlier YouTrack versions, it was possible to set up mailbox integrations with standard projects for issue tracking and use these projects to support basic help desk interactions and process external email feedback.

While it is still possible to configure a mailbox integration for a standard project, advanced features that are exclusive to helpdesk projects are not available. Most importantly, helpdesk projects allow for an unlimited number of reporters. In a standard project, every user who submits a support request must have a registered user account.

A legacy setting for mailbox integrations gave you the option to designate a predefined reporter for all issues that were created using the mailbox integration. This meant an unlimited number of users could submit support requests to a help desk, but the process for handling and sending email replies relied on complex workflows. Existing mailbox integrations that have been configured to create issues using a predefined account as the reporter continue to work as expected. The ability to enable this configuration option for new mailbox integrations requires that the optional Configurable Reporters for Mailbox Integrations feature is enabled system-wide. To learn more, see System-wide Features.