Upload and Download Workflows
In YouTrack, you can upload a workflow that was written in an external JavaScript editor or downloaded from our custom workflow repository in GitHub or from the JetBrains Marketplace.
You can also download workflows from YouTrack. Use this option when you have a workflow that you would like to upload into another YouTrack instance. You can also download workflows and share them with the YouTrack support team for troubleshooting.
Workflows are uploaded and downloaded as ZIP files. Each ZIP file contains a single workflow.
As an administrator, you can perform these actions directly on the Workflows administration page. Project administrators can also upload and attach workflows to the projects that they have permission to view and update. These settings are accessible from the Workflow tab of the Edit Project page. For more information, see Upload a Workflow and Attach it to a Project.
If want to use a custom workflow from the repository or a workflow that was written in an external JavaScript editor, you need to upload the workflow to YouTrack.
Requires permissions: Update Project
From the
Administration menu, select Workflows.
Click the New workflow button and select Upload ZIP file...
Select the ZIP file that contains the workflow that you want to upload.
Click the OK button.
The workflow is uploaded and can be attached to one or more projects.
If you want to download a workflow for use in another YouTrack instance or need to share a workflow with support, you can download it from your YouTrack instance.
You can also download a workflow for editing in an IDE that supports JavaScript, like JetBrains WebStorm.
Requires permissions: Update Project
From the
Administration menu, select Workflows.
Select one or more workflows from the list. To download multiple workflows, your browser must be configured to allow pop-ups for your YouTrack instance.
Click the Download button.
The selected workflows are downloaded from your YouTrack instance to your local directory as ZIP files.