WebStorm 2024.2 Help

WebStorm licensing and special offers FAQ

In this section, you’ll find answers to some common questions about WebStorm licensing, along with information on the special offers and discounts that are available. For more information, check out the pricing page or contact our sales team.

What is WebStorm?

WebStorm is part of the JetBrains family of IDEs. With out-of-the-box support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and related technologies, as well as various integrated developer tools, WebStorm lets you get straight to coding and save time on routine tasks.

How is WebStorm licensed?

WebStorm is licensed through a subscription model. JetBrains offers monthly and yearly plans, which provide access to all the IDE's features and updates during the subscription period. Subscriptions of at least 12 consecutive months qualify for a perpetual fallback license. You may also be eligible for one of our special offers and discounts.

Licenses are per-user, meaning each developer requires their own subscription to use WebStorm.

You can also use WebStorm as part of an All Products Pack subscription.

Can I try WebStorm before purchasing a subscription?

Absolutely! There’s a free 30-day trial period, during which you get full access to the IDE functionality. Note that if you also want to try JetBrains AI, you’ll need to start a separate 7-day trial for it.

For organizations vs. for individual use – what is the difference?

A commercial license is the standard licensing option for organizations and business entities. Such licenses are purchased by the company and can be used by anyone within this organization.

A personal license is an option for private individuals who purchase a license with their own funds and solely for their own use. You can use your personal license for any kind of development. However, note that companies are not to purchase, refund, or in any way finance those licenses.

Please check out our comparison chart for more information.

Are there any special discounts or offers available for WebStorm?

There are several ways to use WebStorm for free or at a discounted price. For example, students, teachers, and content creators can apply for a free All Products Pack license. This license will include WebStorm and other JetBrains IDEs.

Startups and non-profit organizations can receive a 50% discount on JetBrains tools. There are more offers available, so please be sure to check our special offers page to see if you are eligible for any of them.

Additionally, you can benefit from our continuity discount. After paying for 12 consecutive months, you’ll get a 20% discount on the next year and 40% off from the third year onwards. To learn more about the JetBrains continuity discount, check out this page.

What is a perpetual fallback license?

A perpetual fallback license allows you to use a specific WebStorm version without an active subscription. You'll be able to access the version of WebStorm that was available at the start of your 12-consecutive-month subscription. You can learn more about it here.

Can I upgrade from one JetBrains IDE to another?

Yes! You can upgrade or downgrade from one product to another, depending on the subscription you currently have. See this article for more information.

How do I get a refund?

You can apply for a refund within:

  • 30 days after the purchase date for annual subscriptions.

  • 7 days after the purchase date for monthly subscriptions.

To do so, please contact our sales team and send us the order reference number, invoice number, or any other related information.

How can I get technical support for WebStorm?

In WebStorm’s main menu, go to Help | Contact Support to create a request for the support team. If you’ve run into a bug or would like to suggest a new feature, go to Help | Submit a Bug Report to jump to our issue tracker directly.

Didn’t find an answer to your question? Check out our Licensing and Purchasing FAQ or contact our sales team for more information.

Last modified: 13 May 2024