Cassandra database won't start when Upsource launches
Cause #1: insufficient memory for the Cassandra database
Increase heap size to Cassandra process as follows:
Stop Upsource:
<upsource_home>\bin\upsource.bat stop
Run the following command:
<upsource_home>\apps\cassandra\bin\cassandra.bat configure -J-Xmx5000m
Start Upsource:
<upsource_home>\bin\upsource.bat start
Cause #2: conflicting JNA versions
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't obtain updateLastError method for class com.sun.jna.Native
Disable JNA before starting Upsourceārun the following command:
<upsource_home>/apps/cassandra/bin/cassandra.bat configure -J-Djna.nosys=true
Last modified: 02 April 2021