TeamCity On-Premises 2024.07 Help

TeamCity Release Cycle

Why Upgrade TeamCity

TeamCity is systematically and frequently updated with new features and optimizations. We highly recommend upgrading your server and agents as soon as the new version is released. Each release introduces the following key improvements:

  • New functionality: including new runners, build features, UI enhancements, integration with third-party software, and instruments for customization. The recent release notes give an example of the number and scale of features provided per major release.

    New features are mostly released in major versions. To ensure smooth upgrade/downgrade between minor versions, bugfix updates do not add any important features but aim at fixing occurring problems.

  • Performance improvements: one of the primary focuses of our team is to make TeamCity as fast and responsive as possible, which includes smooth UX, stable server performance, reasonable utilization of hardware resources, and many other aspects.

  • Security updates: to comply with the industry-best security practices, we continuously analyze TeamCity and introduce multiple security improvements per release (for more details on security in TeamCity, read these notes).

  • Bug fixes: thanks to our QA team and active user feedback, we can quickly catch and fix even rare bugs. If we notice a critical bug soon after releasing another TeamCity version, it is our priority to release the respective patch or the next bugfix update as soon as possible, which makes it especially crucial that you don't skip regular updates. Any news concerning patches, release issues, and upgrade notes are published here.

Major updates are released twice a year, and each major release is followed by multiple minor (bugfix) releases. Read more about the release stages in the following section.

Version Numbers

A major release is represented by the YYYY.MM number, where YYYY is the release year and MM is the number of the release month. For example, 2022.04 and 2022.10 are two major versions released in year 2022, in April and October.

A minor release is represented by the YYYY.MM.B number, where YYYY.MM.B corresponds to its preceding major release and B is the serial number of the minor (bugfix) release. For example, 2022.04.1 is the first bugfix update released for major version 2022.04.

The dates of all previous releases and the sequence of TeamCity versions are listed here.

Release Stages

The default stages of a TeamCity release:

Release Stage


TeamCity Cloud Major Release

This is the first official version where the new features are rolled out to. It is released approximately once in two months as YYYY.MM.

See TeamCity Cloud licensing policy.

TeamCity On-Premises Major Release

A major TeamCity On-Premises version is usually released every 4 months. There are multiple minor (bugfix) releases following the major release. Bugfix releases and support patches for critical issues, if applicable, are provided until End of Sale of the release.

Release download page

TeamCity On-Premises End of Sale

Occurs for the previous major version with the release of the next major version. After this time, no bugfix updates or patches are usually provided (except critical issues without a workaround which allow for a relatively simple fix, or make it impossible to upgrade to the next version). Only limited support is provided for a major version after its end of sale.

TeamCity On-Premises End of Support

Occurs with the release of two or three newer major versions. The exact date depends on the frequency of releases, but as a general rule, this happens a year after the initial release date. At this point, we stop providing regular technical support for the On-Premises release.

Last modified: 18 September 2024