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TeamCity Maintenance Mode

Edit pageLast modified: 24 September 2024

If you see the TeamCity Maintenance page on the TeamCity startup, it means that this TeamCity instance requires technical maintenance before it can start. In most cases, this page appears if the data format expected by the TeamCity installation does not correspond to the data format in the Data Directory or the database. For example, during upgrade, TeamCity will display this page before converting the data to a newer format.

For security reasons, the maintenance has to be performed by a system administrator who has administrative access to the environment where the TeamCity server is installed. If you do not have access to the computer where TeamCity is installed, inform your system administrator that TeamCity requires technical maintenance.

If you are a TeamCity system administrator, confirm it by entering the authentication token into the corresponding field on this page. This token can be found in the teamcity-server.log file under <TeamCity Home Directory>/logs.

After you have provided this token, you can review the details on what kind of maintenance is required. It can be caused by one of the following factors: