TeamCity REST API Reference 2024.07 Help

Manage Investigations

This article lists REST API requests concerning investigations.

List Investigations

To get a list of all investigations on the server, use:


The request responds with Investigations which contains instances of an Investigation entity.

To get specific investigations, use:


investigationLocator is typed as InvestigationLocator. For example, to get investigations for a test named MyTest, use:


To find investigations assigned to the MyUser user, use:


To find all investigations related to a given build type, use:


Assign/Replace Investigations

To assign a single investigation, POST Investigation to:


Example payload:

<investigation state="TAKEN"> <assignee username="MyUsername"/> <scope><buildType id="MyBuildConfigurationID"/></scope> <target anyProblem="true"/> <resolution type="whenFixed"/> </investigation>
{ "scope" : { "buildType" : { "id" : "MyBuildConfigurationID" } }, "state" : "TAKEN", "assignee" : { "username" : "MyUsername" }, "resolution" : { "type" : "whenFixed" }, "target" : { "anyProblem" : true } }

To update an existing investigation, PUT an Investigation entity to:


To create multiple investigations with a single request, POST (or PUT) an Investigations entity to:


Example payload:

<investigations> <investigation>investigation description as per above example...</investigation> <investigation>investigation description as per above example...</investigation> <investigation>investigation description as per above example...</investigation> </investigations>
{ "investigation" : [ { investigation description as per above example... }, { investigation description as per above example... }... ] }

Delete Investigation

To delete an investigation, use:

Last modified: 29 March 2022