NuGet Installer
The NuGet Installer build runner performs NuGet Command-line package restore. It can also (optionally) automatically update package dependencies to the most recent ones.
Supported Operating Systems:
NuGet build runners are supported on build agents running Windows OS by default. Linux and macOS are supported when Mono is installed on the agent (only NuGet 3.3+ on Mono 4.4.2+ is supported).
Make sure that sources that you check out from VCS (VCS Settings) include the
directory from your solution folder.
NuGet Installer settings:
Option | Description |
NuGet.exe | Select NuGet version to use from the drop-down menu (you need to have NuGet installed) or specify a custom path to
Path to solution file | Specify the path to your solution file (.sln) where packages are to be installed. |
Restore Mode | Select |
Restore Options | If needed, select:
Packages Sources | Specify the NuGet package sources. If left blank, If you are using a TeamCity NuGet feed, select it using the 'magic wand' icon If you use packages from an authenticated feed, configure the NuGet Feed Credentials build feature. TeamCity allows you to authenticate using private NuGet feeds. Read more in NuGet. |
Update Packages | Update packages with help of NuGet update command: Uses the |
Update Mode | Select one of the following:
Update Options |
To view the NuGet Installer's settings in Kotlin DSL, click View as code in the sidebar.
See the NuGet documentation for the complete NuGet.exe
command line reference.
When you add the NuGet Installer runner to your build configuration, each finished build will have the NuGet Packages tab listing the packages used.