TeamCity On-Premises 2024.07 Help

NuGet Feed Credentials

When using NuGet packages from an external authenticated feed during a build on TeamCity, the credentials for connecting to that feed have to be specified.

Adding this information to source control is not a secure practice, so TeamCity provides the NuGet Feed Credentials build feature which allows interacting with feeds that require authentication.

When editing the build configuration, from the list of available Build Features select NuGet Feed Credentials. In the dialog that is opened, specify the feed URL and the credentials to connect to the feed. To view the settings in Kotlin DSL, click View as code.

You can add this build feature to any build configuration, one for every feed that requires authentication.

When using TeamCity as the internal NuGet server, the credentials specified via this build feature are ignored; the internal TeamCity authentication is used.

Last modified: 18 September 2024