
class KeepRule

Specifies a keep rule. A keep rule defines what particular data to preserve during the clean-up. Multiple keep rules can be assigned to a project or build configuration.


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interface DataToKeep

Represents dataToKeep

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class DaysLimit

Configures KeepAtLeast which keeps builds based on their age

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Holds configuration of history and statistics dataToKeep

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Holds the range limit for this keep rule

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Holds all the filters used to pick out the builds this keep rule will preserve

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class PreserveArtifacts(val patterns: String)

Holds the artifacts pattern to keep


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If set to true then the keepAtLeast will be applied to each branch selected by the branch filter (or to each branch in the configuration if no branch filter is specified) separately. applyPerEachBranch could be used to enable.

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Specifies what data should be kept in builds preserved by this keep rule

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Disables this rule

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var id: String?

ID of this keep rule. Every keep rule must have an ID unique to the current project/build configuration. Any sequence of letters, digits and '_' signs is allowed. It's recommended to use human-readable IDs expressing the origin of the rule: e.g. 'keepAllReleases' or 'keepHistory'.

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Defines the limit for this keep rule. allBuilds will be used if not specified

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If set to true and if this build configuration uses any artifact dependencies, then this keep rule will prevent deleting builds in build configurations where the artifact dependencies are used from.


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Specifies that all artifacts should be kept in this HistoryAndStatistics

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Specifies that only artifacts should be kept in builds preserved by this keep rule. History and statistics will be automatically preserved, logs will be removed (if no other keep rule specifies keeping them).

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fun allBuilds(): <Error class: unknown class>

Specifies that this keep rule will preserve all builds matched by the selected filters

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If used, then keepAtLeast will be applied to each branch selected by the branch filter (or to each branch in the configuration if no branch filter is specified) separately.

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Allows specifying filters to pick out the builds this keep rule will preserve

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Specifies that only artifacts matched by patterns should be kept in builds preserved by this keep rule. History and statistics will be automatically preserved, logs will be removed (if no other keep rule specifies keeping them).

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Constructs the keepAtLeast from raw parameters

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fun builds(n: Int): <Error class: unknown class>

Specifies that this keep rule will preserve all builds matched by the selected filters up to the nth build

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Specifies that all artifacts matched by patterns should be kept in this HistoryAndStatistics

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fun days(n: Int): <Error class: unknown class>

Specifies that this keep rule will preserve all builds matched by the selected filters up to the nth day since the current day

Specifies that this keep rule will preserve all builds matched by the selected filters up to the nth day. Allows specifying the policy to select the limiting day in the DaysLimit.since field.

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Specifies that everything should be kept in builds preserved by this keep rule

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Specifies that only history and statistics should be kept in builds preserved by this keep rule. Logs and artifacts will be removed (if no other keep rule specifies keeping them).

Specifies that history and statistics should be kept in builds preserved by this keep rule and allows to select which parts of build results (e.g. logs, artifacts) should also be kept.

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Specifies that only logs should be kept in builds preserved by this keep rule. History and statistics will be automatically preserved, artifacts will be removed (if no other keep rule specifies keeping them).

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fun param(name: String, value: String?)
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Specifies that only statistics should be kept in builds preserved by this keep rule. Builds won't be visible in the build history, logs and artifacts will be removed (if no other keep rule specifies keeping them).