Installing Additional Plugins
Edit pageLast modified: 24 September 2024Plugins can add extra functionality to your TeamCity server. You can get them in the JetBrains Marketplace.
Installing Plugin from JetBrains Plugins Repository
To install plugins from the repository:
Go to Administration | Plugins in TeamCity and click Browse plugins repository.
You will be redirected to the repository. Find the required plugin, click Get, and then Install to http[s]://\<teamcityUrl\>.
You will be redirected to the plugin list in TeamCity.
Confirm the plugin installation by clicking Install.
To enable the plugin after installation, click the plugin context menu and select Load.
Installing Plugin via Web UI
Go to the Administration | Plugins page and upload a plugin ZIP archive from your local machine using the corresponding link.
Installing Plugin Manually
Copy the ZIP plugin package into the<[TeamCity Data Directory](>/plugins
directory. If you have an earlier version of the plugin in the directory (though the plugin package can be named differently), remove it.
Enabling Plugin
To enable the plugin after installation, click the plugin context menu and select Load. The plugin will be enabled without the server restart.
Uninstalling Plugin via Web UI
Go to Administration | Plugins, locate an external plugin in the list, click the arrow icon next to it, and select Delete.
Once the plugin is deleted, the option to restart the server appears on the page. Click it and check that the plugin version is no longer listed in Administration | Plugins.
Uninstalling Plugin Manually
Remove the plugin package from the <TeamCity Data Directory>
directory and restart the TeamCity server.