Investigating Build Problems
If you believe that your changes caused a build failure, you can start investigating the problem and inform other team members about that. You can also assign another team member as an investigator of the problem.
In the left pane of the Projects tab of the TeamCity tool window, right-click a failed build and select Investigate from the context menu.
Alternatively, click
In the Investigate dialog box that opens, do the following:
From the Users list, select me if you believe that your changes caused a build failure, or select a team member that is supposed to be responsible for the build failure.
Under Comment, type an optional comment.
Click OK.
You can also start an investigation or change its status from the TeamCity server web UI. Learn more.
In the the left pane of the Projects tab of the TeamCity tool window, select a failed build for which you want to examine the test report.
On the toolbar, click
to open a dedicated tab with the build information (for details, see Opening Build Logs and Failed Test Results).
In the dedicated tab that opens, examine the build logs and failed tests reports.
To investigate the build failure, on the toolbar, click
and specify a user to investigate the problem.
In the My Investigations Tab of the TeamCity tool window, select the failed build(s) you are investigating.
On the context menu of the selection, choose Give Up Investigation.
Alternatively, click