TeamCity Release Cycle
Release Stages
The default stages of a TeamCity release:
Release Stage | Description |
TeamCity Cloud Major Release | This is the first official version where the new features are rolled out to. It is released approximately once in two months as |
TeamCity On-Premises Major Release | A major TeamCity On-Premises version is usually released every 4 months. There are multiple minor (bugfix) releases following the major release. Bugfix releases and support patches for critical issues, if applicable, are provided until End of Sale of the release. |
TeamCity On-Premises End of Sale | Occurs for the previous major version with the release of the next major version. After this time, no bugfix updates or patches are usually provided (except critical issues without a workaround which allow for a relatively simple fix, or make it impossible to upgrade to the next version). Only limited support is provided for a major version after its end of sale. |
TeamCity On-Premises End of Support | Occurs with the release of two or three newer major versions. The exact date depends on the frequency of releases, but as a general rule, this happens a year after the initial release date. At this point, we stop providing regular technical support for the On-Premises release. |