TeamCity 4.0 Help

Agent Home Directory

Build Agent Home Directory is the directory where the agent has been installed.

By default, the build agent files are installed in the following directory depending on the type of installer (distribution package) used:

  • If the build agent was installed along with the server on the same machine, the Agent Home Directory will be < TeamCity Home >/buildAgent.

  • If you install the agent with EXE or Java Web Start distribution packages, by default the Agent Home Directory will be C:\BuildAgent.

Structure of the Agent Home Directory

  • /backup — this temporary folder is created automatically during the Upgrade. That folder is used to backup current build agent files before replacing them with newer ones.

  • /bin — contains all native files for managing build agent

    • agent.bat — batch script to start/stop the build agent

    • — UNIX shell script to start/stop the build agent

    • service.install.bat — batch file to install the build agent as a Windows service

    • service.start.bat — starts build agent using installed build agent service

    • service.stop.bat — stops installed build agent service

    • service.uninstall.bat — batch file to uninstall currently installed build agent service

  • /conf — this folder contains all configuration files for build agent

    • buildAgent.propertiesBuild Agent Configuration. This file would be generated by TeamCity server .exe installer, build agent .exe installer and build agent Java Web Start agent installer.

    • — sample configuration file. You can rename it to '' to create initial agent configuration file.

    • teamcity-agent-log4j.xml — build agent logging settings. For details please refer to comments inside the file or to the log4j manual

  • /launcher — build agent launcher files

    • conf/ — configuration files of the build agent Windows service

      • wrapper.conf.template — sample configuration file to be used as template for creating original configuration

      • wrapper.conf — current build agent Windows service configuration. This is Java Service Wrapper configuration java properties file. For details, please see comments inside the file or Java Service Wrapper documentation.

  • /lib — all build agent libraries folder.

  • /logs — all build agent logs folder.

    • launcher.log — log of build agent launcher

    • teamcity-agent.log — main build agent log

    • wrapper.log — log from Java Service Wrapper. Available only if build agent is running as windows service

    • teamcity-build.log — log from build

    • upgrade.log — log from build agent upgrade process

    • teamcity-vcs.log — agent-side checkout logs

  • /plugins — this folder contains all build agent plugins. All plugin's ZIP files are extracted here.

  • /temp — temporary folder; path may be overridden in the file

    • buildTmp — temporary folder that is set as default temp directory for build process

    • agentTmp — temporary folder that is used by build agent itself

  • /upgrade — temporary directory that is used to save downloaded build agent upgrade files

  • /workagent working directory contains all sources for a build; path may be overridden in the file

    • — the file contains mapping table between folder and build configuration.

    • <hex number> — build configuration sources

Last modified: 20 April 2023