JetBrains Space Help

Space On-Premises

As an alternative to using JetBrains Space as a service, you can get your own self-managed Space instance (or Space On-Premises). It implies that you install, manage, and maintain Space on your own.

Choose installation type

This document describes three different ways to install Space On-Premises: in a local environment (Docker Compose), in AWS (Docker Compose), or in a Kubernetes cluster. Use the table below to choose the installation type that suits your needs best.

Docker Compose (local)

Docker Compose (AWS)

Kubernetes cluster (local)


Proof-of-concept or production installation

Production installation

Production installation

Ease of installation


Very easy



Customizable (manual configuration)

Almost not customizable

Highly customizable (Kubernetes manifests)


Suitable for small companies with few active users

Highly scalable, suitable for larger workloads


Provides less availability guarantees than Kubernetes

Provides high availability


Moderate (manual updates and monitoring)

Low (AWS handles DB and storage)

High (K8s knowledge required)

Infrastructure cost

Depends on the local infrastructure

Moderate (AWS costs)

Depends on the local infrastructure


By default, localhost only. For external access, you need to configure a reverse proxy

Publicly available out of the box

Managed within Kubernetes configuration


By default, PostgreSQL and a MinIO-compatible storage run in containers on a single host machine. Recommended: host PostgreSQL and MinIO separately

The database and object storage are hosted on a single EC2 instance

Managed within Kubernetes configuration. Supports shared or distributed storage organization


Manual backup/restore for the PostgreSQL database and MinIO object storage

Managed through AWS services

Managed through Kubernetes cluster management tools

Limitations of Space On-Premises

Space On-Premises has several limitations compared to its cloud counterpart:

Last modified: 31 May 2024