JetBrains Space Help

External Link Patterns

post /api/http/external-link-patterns

Add a prefix to be expanded to external links

Required permissions: Manage external entity link patterns

Request arguments

object with fields:

  • pattern: string ( Required )

    Prefix that is used in the external IDs and that will be recognised by Space to generate links

  • linkReplacement: string ( Required )

    URL of the external resource ending with < ? > which is a variable for a number that follows the prefix


No arguments

get /api/http/external-link-patterns

List all prefixes to be automatically expanded to external links

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Required permissions: View external entity link patterns

Request arguments

No arguments


array of ExternalLinkPattern

delete /api/http/external-link-patterns

Delete prefix for expanding to external links

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Required permissions: Manage external entity link patterns

Request arguments

pattern: string (Query) ( Required )


No arguments

Last modified: 06 September 2023