RubyMine 2024.2 Help


RubyMine enables you to work with YAML files (.yml, .yaml) and supports the following capabilities:

Let’s explore some YAML-specific features available in the editor.

Anchors and aliases

RubyMine supports working with anchors and aliases. If you specify a new anchor in the YAML file, the editor will show a warning that this anchor is not used by any node.

YAML: unused anchor warning

The editor enables you now to complete aliases for this anchor.

YAML: complete alias

To quickly find usages of an anchor, place the caret on the anchor and press Ctrl+B.

YAML: navigate to aliases

RubyMine supports the rename refactoring for anchors and aliases: Place the caret on the anchor and press Shift+F6. Alternatively, right-click the anchor and select Refactor | Rename.

renaming the YAML anchor

Use the Structure tool window (Alt+7) to quickly navigate through YAML files. To show or hide elements of reused anchors in the Structure tool window, click View Options use Aliased sub-trees.

YAML structure view

JSON schemas

RubyMine supports code completion and inspections for YAML files using the JSON schema. RubyMine can infer a schema automatically (based on the file location or structure), or you can select it manually. For example, if you have GitHub Actions workflow files in the .github/workflows directory, RubyMine will suggest completing its options based on the github-workflow.json schema automatically loaded from

YAML: complete based on schema

You can manage loading JSON schemas using the Languages & Frameworks | Schemas and DTDs | Remote JSON Schemas page of the Settings dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S) .

If necessary, you can specify a path to the required schema file in Languages & Frameworks | Schemas and DTDs | JSON Schema Mappings.

Select a JSON schema for a file

You can specify a custom schema for a particular file.

  1. Click the schema switcher in the status bar.

    Select schema for a file
  2. In the list that opens, select one of the suggested schemas or click New Schema Mapping. This will open the JSON Schema Mappings settings where you can specify a local or remote schema for your file.

Get properties from a schema

If RubyMine detects a schema for your YAML file, you can quickly insert all of its properties into that file using a dedicated action, removing the need for manual typing.

  • If a schema contains required properties, and you want to insert only these particular properties, press Alt+Enter (Show Context Actions) anywhere in a file and select Add missing properties.

  • If you want to insert all properties available in the schema, press Alt+Enter (Show Context Actions) anywhere in a file and select Fill in all properties from JSON schema.

Use $schema keyword

You can also refer to a schema right in the file itself.

  1. At the top of the file, enter # $schema:.

  2. Start typing the name of a schema file. You'll get completion for the names of schemas loaded from

    If you want to use a local schema file, specify the path to it relative to the file where you want to use the schema, for example, # $schema: ./my-schema.json. This will enable the same coding assistance that you would have when you use a remote schema, including inspections, completion, and property filling actions.

    Completion from local schema

Copying keys

RubyMine provides the ability to copy a full path to a specific option specified in the YAML file. For instance, this can be useful when copying key paths from localization files. You can do this in two ways:

  • Place a caret to the required key and press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C.

  • Hover over the required key, right-click it and select Copy Reference.

YAML: copy references

For example, on the image above, default.server.port will be copied.

Last modified: 26 June 2024