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HTTP request and response reference

Response properties

The response object holds the information about a received HTTP Response (response content, headers, status, and so on) and provides access to the headers and contentType nested objects.



body (string | TextStreamResponse | object)

Response content, which can be a string, a TextStreamResponse object, or a JSON object.

headers (ResponseHeaders)

The response headers storage object.

status (int)

Response status, for example, 200 or 404.

contentType (ContentType)

The contentType object, which holds the data on the Content-Type response header value.

Headers object

The ResponseHeaders object is used for retrieving the data about response headers' values.






headerName (string)

Retrieves the first value of the headerName response header or null if the headerName response header does not exist.


headerName (string)

Retrieves the array containing all values of the headerName response header. Returns an empty array if the headerName response header does not exist.

ContentType object

The ContentType data object contains information from the Content-Type response header.




mimeType (string)

The MIME type of the response, for example, text/plain, text/xml, application/json.

charset (string)

The string representation of the response charset, for example, utf-8.

TextStreamResponse object

The TextStreamResponse interface is used to process a response as a text stream. It lets you implement two methods:

  • onEachLine(subscriber, onFinish), which loops through each line in the stream.

  • onEachMessage(subscriber, onFinish), which subscribes to each message sent by the server. This can be used for WebSocket, GRPC, and GraphQL over WebSocket.



Usage in onEachLine

Usage in onEachMessage


Function to process the streamlines. It takes two arguments:

  • line: a string or a JSON object received as part of the stream.

  • unsubscribe: a function that terminates execution of the current onEachLine block. It can be used to stop stream processing when a certain condition is met.

Function to process the stream messages. It takes three arguments:

  • message: a string or a JSON object received as part of the stream.

  • unsubscribe: a function that terminates execution of the current onEachMessage block. It can be used to stop stream processing when a certain condition is met.

  • output (optional): a function that takes a string (message) and sends its argument back to the server.


Function to be executed after the end of the stream.

For examples on how to use it, refer to Response handling examples or click Examples in an .http file and select WebSocket Requests or GraphQL Requests.

Request properties

The request object holds the information about the HTTP request and can be used both in pre-request scripts and in response handler scripts.


When used in pre-request scripts

When used in response handler scripts


The request body obtained using one of two methods:

  • getRaw(): returns the request body in the raw format: If the body contains variables, their names are displayed instead of their values. For example:

  • tryGetSubstituted(): returns the request body with all known variables replaced with their values.


The request body as a string. For example:



Has the get(name) method, which retrieves a value of the environment variable identified by its name or returns null if it does not exist.


Has two methods:

  • all: returns the array containing the values of all headers of the current request.

  • findByName(name): retrieves the value of the header identified by the name parameter.

Each of the elements of the array is a request header with the following methods:

  • name: the header name, such as Content-Type.

  • getRawValue: returns the header value in the raw format: If the header contains variables, their names are displayed instead of their values.

  • tryGetSubstitutedValue(): returns the header with all known variables replaced with their values.

Each of the elements of the array is a request header with the following methods:

  • name: the header name, such as Content-Type.

  • value(): the header value, such as application/json.


The HTTP method (such as GET or POST) used in the request. For example: client.log(request.method)


The request URL obtained using one of two methods:

  • getRaw(): returns the request URL in the raw format: If the URL contains variables, their names are displayed instead of their values. For example:

  • tryGetSubstituted(): returns the request URL with all known variables replaced with their values.


The request URL as a string. For example:



Has the get(name) method, which retrieves a value of the per-request variable identified by its name or returns null if it does not exist.


Get the number (index) of the current iteration

For variables that represent a collection.


Get the value of a collection element by its index in the loop.

Last modified: 19 July 2024