C/C++ Other Hints
File | Settings | Editor | Inlay Hints | C/C++ | Other for Windows and Linux
JetBrains Rider | Settings or Preferences | Editor | Inlay Hints | C/C++ | Other for macOS
Preferences configurable on this page are saved using the mechanism of layer-based settings.
Use this settings page to configure other kinds of inlay hints in C/C++.
You can configure the color of inlay hints on the Editor | Color Scheme | Language Defaults settings page CtrlAlt0S — choose the Inline parameter hints | Default item.
A large project can have any number of namespaces, which sometimes are nested or even do not have a name. In such cases, hints of this kind will indicate what namespace is being closed by the current brace:

Use the Visibility selector to choose how inlay hints for namespaces should be displayed in the editor: choose Default to apply the general visibility preference from the Editor | Inlay Hints | General page of JetBrains Rider settings , choose Show Always or Never Show to always show or hide hints, or choose Push-to-Hint to hide the hints by default but show them when you press and hold Ctrl.
Preprocessor directive hints help you quickly understand how conditional inclusions (#ifdef
, #ifndef
, #if
, #endif
, #else
, and #elif
) correspond to macro definitions:
Use the Visibility selector to choose how inlay hints for preprocessor directives should be displayed in the editor: choose Default to apply the general visibility preference from the Editor | Inlay Hints | General page of JetBrains Rider settings , choose Show Always or Never Show to always show or hide hints, or choose Push-to-Hint to hide the hints by default but show them when you press and hold Ctrl.
According to the Google C++ Style Guide, non-const reference parameters are not allowed, except when required by convention or in some rare cases. But when this is your case, there are reference hints:

Use the Visibility selector to choose how inlay hints for non-const references should be displayed in the editor: choose Default to apply the general visibility preference from the Editor | Inlay Hints | General page of JetBrains Rider settings , choose Show Always or Never Show to always show or hide hints, or choose Push-to-Hint to hide the hints by default but show them when you press and hold Ctrl.