Copy code reference to clipboard
ReSharper | Edit | Copy Code Reference…
When you need to log or share the context of the current location, such as the name of the symbol under the caret or its XML-documentation ID, the path to the file or the VCS path, you can press and copy the desired reference from a popup:

When you invoke this command on any symbol (declaration or usage), it automatically copies its fully-qualified name to the clipboard. If you need the name or namespace only, you can choose those in the popup.
You may need the fully-qualified name of a symbol in different situations, for example, when you use reflection.
When you invoke this command within a namespace, type, or a member, you can choose XML-Doc ID from the popup to copy the XML-documentation ID of the enclosing entity. You can use this ID when referencing this entity in XML-doc comments of other symbols. For more information about the ID format, refer to Processing the XML File (C# Programming Guide).
For example, for the method MyMethod
declared as
namespace MyNamespace
class MyClass
void MyMethod(){}
the XML-doc ID will be M:MyNamespace.MyClass.MyMethod
You can also copy the path to the current file and line in any format. By default, there are two formats:
Path to the current line from the solution root, for example MyProject\MyFile.cs:25, and
If the current file is in a Git repository with GitHub as remote, you can choose to copy the GitHub URl to the file from the popup. For example:
/user ./repo /blob /id /MyProject /src /MyFile.cs#L25 You can also make a selection before invoking this action to have the link with a highlighted selection right on GitHub.
To copy paths and links in a custom format, configure the URI patterns on the Environment | Search & Navigation | Source Browsing page of ReSharper options Alt+R, O.
This way you can copy links to your code that will work with online code browsers such as JetBrains Upsource or Roslyn-based source browser.
This feature is supported in the following languages and technologies:
The instructions and examples given here address the use of the feature in C#. For more information about other languages, refer to corresponding topics in the Languages and frameworks section.
Copying symbol name and XML-Doc ID is only available in C#, VB, and C++.