
Last modified: 22 November 2024

Meteor is a full-stack framework that lets you use JavaScript both on the client-side and on the server-side. PyCharm integrates with Meteor so you can use it from inside the IDE. Meteor support in PyCharm includes:

  • Automatic recognition of Meteor projects by detecting the .meteor folder and excluding the .meteor/local folder from the project. For more information, refer to Hiding excluded files.

  • Attaching the predefined Meteor library to the project automatically. This enables syntax highlighting, resolving references, and code completion.

  • Support of Spacebars via Handlebars with completion for if and each directives. PyCharm recognizes Spacebars templates, but as a side effect marks HTML files in Meteor projects with the Handlebars/Mustache icon. PyCharm provides navigation between JavaScript source code and templates with go to Declaration .

  • A dedicated complex Meteor run/debug configuration for debugging both the client-side and the server-side code within one debugging session, refer to Debugging a Meteor application.