PyCharm 2024.2 Help

Push changes to the Mercurial upstream (Push)

  1. Go to VCS | Mercurial | Push.

    The Push Commits dialog opens showing all Mercurial repositories (for multi-repository projects) and listing all commits made in the current branch in each repository since the last push.

    If you have a project that uses multiple repositories that are not controlled synchronously, only the current repository is selected by default. For more information about enabling synchronous repositories control, refer to Version Control Settings: Mercurial.

  2. If necessary, you can modify the path to the remote repository by clicking it. The label turns into a text field where you can type the new path or invoke completion by pressing Ctrl+Space.

    If there are no remotes in the repository, the Define remote link appears. Click this link and specify the remote name and URL in the dialog that opens.

  3. If you want to preview changes before pushing them, select the required commit. The right-hand pane shows the changes included in the selected commit. You can use the toolbar buttons to examine the commit details.

  4. If you want to push active bookmarks with your commits (they are not sent to the remote repositories by default), select the Export Active Bookmarks option.

  5. Click the Push button when ready and select which operation you want to perform from the drop-down menu: push or push --force.

Force push

When you run push, Mercurial will refuse to complete the operation if the remote repository has changes that you are missing and that you are going to overwrite with your local copy of the repository. Normally, you need to perform pull to synchronize with the remote before you update it with your changes.

The --force push command disables this check and lets you overwrite the remote repository, thus erasing its history and causing data loss.

A possible situation when you may still need to perform --force push is when you rebase a pushed branch and then want to push it to the remote server. In this case, when you try to push, Mercurial will reject your changes because the remote ref is not an ancestor of the local ref. If you perform pull in this situation, you will end up with two copies of the branch which you then need to merge.

If you decide to force push the rebased branch and you are working in a team, make sure that:

  • Nobody has pulled your branch and done some local changes to it

  • All pending changes have been committed and pushed

  • You have the latest changes for that branch

Last modified: 08 April 2024