PyCharm 2024.2 Help

Smart Keys settings: HTML/CSS

Use this settings page to configure typing assistance features in HTML, XML, and CSS.

For more information, refer to the dedicated topics for HTML, XML, and CSS.




Insert closing tag on tag completion

Select this checkbox to have PyCharm automatically insert a closing XML or HTML tag upon entering the corresponding opening one.

Insert required attributes on tag completion

Select this checkbox to have PyCharm display a template with all mandatory attributes of the typed tag.

Insert required subtags on tag completion

Select this checkbox to have PyCharm display a template with all mandatory subtags

Start attribute on tag completion

Select this checkbox to have PyCharm display a template with the first mandatory attribute of the typed tag.

Add quotes for attribute value on typing '=' and attribute completion

Select this checkbox to have PyCharm automatically add quotes for the value of the attribute that you are currently typing.

Auto-close tag on typing '</'

Sselect this checkbox to automatically add a closing tag after entering </. Clear this checkbox to turn off such auto-completion.

Simultaneous <tag></tag> editing

When this checkbox is selected, and you edit an opening tag, the corresponding closing tag is automatically changed accordingly.

If this checkbox is cleared, editing the opening tag does not affect the closing tag which remains unchanged. As a result, the opening and closing tags do not match and the entire construct is underlined as erroneous.

This checkbox controls the behavior of PyCharm in the following contexts:

  • HTML files

  • HTML injections within JavaScript code

  • HTML with Handlebars/Mustache templates

  • Handlebars/Mustache template files with the extension .hbs

  • XML, XHTML files

  • DTD files

  • JSX files




Select whole CSS identifier on double-click

If this checkbox is selected, double-clicking a CSS identifier or class name selects the entire name up to the prefix. For example, double-clicking gray within <div class="text-gray-600"> select the whole class name text-gray -600:

Select whole CSS identifier on double-click: ON

If this checkbox is cleared, double-clicking a CSS identifier or class name selects a portion of the name up to of within the nearest hyphens:

Select whole CSS identifier on double-click: OFF
Last modified: 07 May 2024