PhpStorm 2024.2 Help

Surround code fragments

PhpStorm provides standard templates for surrounding code fragments with various constructs based on the language of the source code. This includes if...else conditional statements, do...while and for loops, combinations of try...catch...finally, XML tags, folding regions, and other constructs.

Surround a code block with language constructs

  1. Select a code fragment.

  2. Press Ctrl+Alt+T or go to Code | Surround With in the main menu.

  3. Select the necessary surround statement from the list.

Preview for surround with options

This feature applies to the following languages (contexts):


Surround with


  • Tag

  • CDATA section

  • <% ... %>

  • Emmet

JavaScript statements

  • (expr)

  • !(expr)

  • if

  • if / else

  • while

  • do / while

  • for

  • try / catch

  • try / finally

  • try / catch / finally

  • with

  • function

  • { }

  • function expression

PHP statements

  • if

  • if / else

  • while

  • do / while

  • for

  • foreach

  • try / catch

  • function

Fold code elements

Any fragment of code, where Surround With is applicable

Last modified: 08 July 2024