PhpStorm 2024.2 Help

CLI Interpreters

The dialog opens when you click the Browse button next to the CLI Interpreter list in the Development environment section of the PHP page.

Use this dialog to configure PHP engines as interpreters, refer to Configure local PHP interpreters and Configure remote PHP interpreters. In this dialog, you can add new interpreters and edit or remove the existing ones.

The dialog consists of two panes. The left-hand pane lists all the configured PHP interpreters, both local and remote ones, and contains a toolbar for adding, removing, and copying PHP interpreter configurations. The contents of the right-hand pane depend on the type of the interpreter currently selected in the left-hand pane. Use the controls in this pane to edit the settings of the selected interpreter and even choose its type, if necessary.

Left-hand pane

The left-hand pane lists all the configured PHP interpreters, both local and remote ones, and contains a toolbar for adding, removing, and copying PHP interpreter configurations.




the Add button


Click this button to add a new PHP interpreter to the list. From the popup list, choose the interpreter type (Local or Remote), and configure a local interpreter in the right-hand pane or a remote interpreter in the Configure PHP Remote Interpreter Dialog dialog that opens.

the Remove button


Click this button to remove the selected interpreter from the list.

the Copy button


Click this button to create a new interpreter with the settings copied from the selected one.

Right-hand pane

The contents of the right-hand pane depend on the type of the interpreter currently selected in the left-hand pane. Use the controls in this pane to edit the settings of the selected interpreter and even choose its type, if necessary.

Remote interpreter accessible through SSH



SSH configuration

From this list, choose one of the created SSH configurations from the list, or click the Browse button and create a new configuration as described in Create SSH configurations.

Remote interpreter on a Vagrant instance



Vagrant instance folder

In this field, choose the folder that points at the environment you are going to use. Technically, it is the folder where the VagrantFile configuration file for the desired environment is located. Based on this setting, PhpStorm detects the Vagrant host and shows it as a link in the Vagrant Host URL read-only field.

Remote interpreter in a Docker container




In this field, specify the Docker configuration to use. For more information, refer to Configure the Docker daemon connection settings. Select a configuration from the list or click New... and create a new configuration on the Docker page that opens.

Image name

In this field, specify the base Docker image to use. Choose one of the previously downloaded or your custom images from the list or type the image name manually, for example, php:latest or php:7.0-cli. When you later launch the run configuration, Docker will search for the specified image on your machine. If the search fails, the image will be downloaded from the Docker Official Images repository on the Docker Registry page.

Remote interpreter running in a multi-container Docker Compose application




in this field, specify the Docker configuration to use. For more information, refer to Configure the Docker daemon connection settings. Select a configuration from the list or click New... and create a new configuration on the Docker page that opens.

Configuration file(s)

In this field, specify the docker-compose.yml file defining the application's services.


In this field, choose the desired application's service.

Environment variables

In this field, define the environment variables. For more information, refer to Docker Compose run configuration settings.


In this area, choose how the Docker container for the selected service should be managed by PhpStorm.

  • Always start a new container ('docker-compose run'): choose this option to have the container started via the run command. The container will be restarted upon each run.

  • Connect to existing container ('docker-compose exec'): choose this option to have the container started once, and then connect to it via the exec command.

Remote interpreter running through Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)



Linux Distribution

From this list, choose one of the installed Linux distributions to use.

General area




In this field, type the identifier to distinguish the interpreter from others, for example, php_installation_<version>.

PHP executable

In this field, specify the path to the PHP engine. Type the path manually or click Open and choose the executable file in the dialog that opens. PhpStorm detects the version of PHP and displays it in the PHP version read-only field.

PhpStorm also detects the debugging engine and the php.ini configuration file. The type of the debugging engine associated with the PHP interpreter and its version are displayed in the Debugger read-only field. If no debugger is detected, or you have disabled it in php.ini file (refer to Configuring Xdebug for Using in the On-Demand Mode), the field shows Debugger: Not installed.

The location of php.ini is displayed in the Configuration file read-only field. To edit the php.ini in PhpStorm, click Open in Editor.


the Reload phpinfo button

Click this button to check that the specified PHP home directory actually contains a PHP executable file. If no PHP executable is detected at the specified location, PhpStorm displays the corresponding error message.

Show phpinfo

the Show phpinfo button

Click this button opens a separate information window with the installation details and the list of loaded extensions and configured options.

Advanced area



Debugger extension

In this field, specify the location of the Xdebug extension to enable PhpStorm to activate it when necessary.

PhpStorm supports the On-Demand mode, where you can disable debugger for your global PHP installation and have it enabled automatically on demand only when you are debugging your command-line scripts or when you need code coverage reports. This lets your command line scripts (including Composer and unit tests) run much faster.

Configuration Options

Use this field to customize the configuration settings of the installation by composing a string of configuration directives to be passed through the -d command line option and thus add new entries to the php.ini file. Click Open to open the Configuration Options dialog and create a list of new php.ini entries there.

Configuration options dialog


Tooltip and Shortcut



In this field, type the name of the new entry.


In this field, type the value of the new entry.




Click this button to have a new line added to the list and specify the name and value of a new entry there.

the Remove button



Click this button to remove the selected entry from the list.

the Move up buttonthe Move down button

Up / Down

Alt+Up  /  Alt+Down

Use these buttons to move the selected entry up or down in the list. The order of entries in the list determine the order in which they are passed through the -d command line option.

You can add as many entries as you need, just keep in mind that they will be transformed into a command line with its length limited to 256 characters.

Last modified: 28 June 2024