PhpStorm 2024.2 Help

Inline dialogs

Inline Variable dialog

The Inline Variable refactoring allows you to replace a redundant variable with its value. See examples.

To access the Inline Variable dialog through a menu item or the keyboard shortcut, place the caret at the variable to be inlined.

Inline variable <variable name>? (<the number of variable occurrences>)

Inline method dialog

Inline Method refactoring places method's body into the body of its caller(s). You have the option to:

  • inline all occurrences of the method, and delete the method

  • inline all occurrences of the method, and retain the method

  • inline only a single occurrence, and retain the method



Inline all and remove the method

Select this option to replace all the method calls with its code and remove the method.

Inline all and keep the method

Select this option to replace all the method calls with its code and keep the method intact.

Inline this only and keep the method

Select this option to replace only the current method call.


Click this button to see the expected changes prior to actually performing the refactoring.


Click this button to perform the refactoring right away.

Last modified: 26 May 2024