Migration Guide

Last modified: 28 January 2025

When opening a project in a newer version of MPS, all the automated migration scripts that come with that version of MPS will be executed to bring the project up to date with the languages and APIs. Sometimes additional manual steps might be needed or some special care must be taken by the user. This page lists such instructions for each past version of MPS.

Before you update your MPS version, it is advised to run the Pre-Update Check against your project . The Pre-Update Check action can be started from the Main Menu | Migration | Run Pre-Update Check menu item. You run it in the old MPS instance to verify that there are no unmigrated left-overs in the project that the new version of MPS may have issues with. Namely, it invokes all check() methods of all migrations scripts of the languages used in the project. The action will attempt to fix all probable problems of these cases:

  • New nodes written using old language versions were merged into a migrated branch from an unmigrated branch

  • Some nodes weren't fully migrated, typically because the migration gave up migrating them for being too complex and instead recommended a manual migration for these nodes, which then never happened.