Pointless arithmetic expression
Reports pointless arithmetic expressions.
Such expressions include adding or subtracting zero, multiplying by zero or one, division by one, and shift by zero. Such expressions may be the result of automated refactorings not completely followed through to completion, and in any case are unlikely to be what the developer intended to do.
a + 0
After the quick-fix is applied:
Locating this inspection
- By ID
Can be used to locate inspection in e.g. Qodana configuration files, where you can quickly enable or disable it, or adjust its settings.
GroovyPointlessArithmetic- Via Settings dialog
Path to the inspection settings via IntelliJ Platform IDE Settings dialog, when you need to adjust inspection settings directly from your IDE.
Inspection Details | |
By default bundled with: | |
Can be installed with plugin: | Groovy, 243.23126 |
Last modified: 03 December 2024