IntelliJ IDEA
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Modules page

Last modified: 10 April 2024

Projects in IntelliJ IDEA contain of modules. A module is composed of the file that keeps internal representation of module settings and a content root, which stores your source code, resources, tests, and so on.

The Modules page displays all modules and module groups in the current project in the middle section of the dialog.

Use the Sources tab to select the supported language level for Java and to configure the module contents.

the Sources tab
Language level

Use this list to select the Java language level for the module.

The left-hand pane

The left-hand pane shows a tree of folders for a module content root. If the module has more than one content root, the structure shown corresponds to the content root selected in the right-hand pane.

The right-hand pane

The right-hand pane shows the module content roots: a content root is a module root folder. Everything that has something to do with a module is stored within its content roots. A module can have more than one content root.